Kansas butterfly collections

Jim Mason jim at gpnc.org
Mon Mar 7 09:37:40 EST 2005

The Kansas Biological Survey is interested in taking inventory of 
collections of butterflies and moths made in the last 30 years or so within 
the state.  They are aware of the substantial collection at Ft. Hays State 
University, but are also wanting to find out about any others that may be in 
existence.  If anyone is aware of such holdings that could be reviewed by 
them, please notify Alexis Powell alvey at ku.edu and Bill Busby wbusby at ku.edu


Jim Mason, Naturalist
Jim at gpnc.org
Great Plains Nature Center
6232 E. 29th Street North
Wichita, KS 67220-2200
316-683-5499 x103 - voice
316-688-9555 - fax


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