TILS / TTR projects

Ron Gatrelle gatrelle at tils-ttr.org
Tue Mar 8 16:01:13 EST 2005

For those subscribed to our TTR publication (The Taxonomic Report) or who
check our web site regularly, there has not been much in the way of new
stuff for some time.   However, behind the scenes we are very busy with the
several articles and other projects in the works.

Two specifically.   One is a new featured area of our web site that should
be up and running by this time next week, if not sooner.   It is something
Harry Pavulaan has been working on for a long time.  It's a consolidated
alphabetized list of on-line links to lep and lep related articles.   Here
is one he found just today that will be in the new "Library".


The other feature is that we are expanding our NEWS section.  The NEWS used
to a paper publication and is now only published in digital format - online
and CD.   These are articles not in need of paper publication to satisfy
the Code and are thus not necessarily of lesser import than TTR articles.
These will be posted in their entirety for immediate access.  Digital and
online publications are the future.  They offer the fastest, most
ecconomical, and widest form of publication is human history.   Everyone on
earth who is hooked up to the internet has access to such articles.   One
can thus accurately say that no leps publication on the planet is more
widely available than TILS /TTR.

The biggest change in the NEWS will therefore be single article issues
rather than just more traditional society type newsletters.   The first of
this new type of paper will one by Davenport, Langston and Stanford on the
early and late dates for California butterflies and skippers.

So if you have something, submit it to the TILS  NEWS.  Fast, no page
charges, maximum exposure.  Just email me and let me know what you have and
we'll go from there.

Re TTR.   TTR has 6 issues in various stages of development.  Primary among
these is the Plates issue of TTR 5-2 Yosemite.  We are taking our time with
this to produce the best and most thorough pictorial recourse of this
region in any media.   Yes, we are behind schedule but it will be worth the
wait. The other 5 issues are in Vol. 6.  If you are a regular subscriber
and not re-subscribed to Vol. 6 you need to do so and it began publication
Jan 1 with issue 6-1 already having gone out.   There has been some
confusion as Vol. 5 and 6 are overlap in publication.

IF anyone has not yet ordered the TTR 5-1 Yosemite TEXT part, there are
still a few copies of the first print run left.   After they are gone we
will hold orders till we get enough to justify another print run. It can be
ordered on-line at our web site under "subscriptions"

NOTE: Volumes one through four are now only available in CD - paper is all
gone for those.   If one wants paper, just print out off the CD on high
quality paper and bind with comb binding into a volume set. It only cost
about $2.50 to have these bound at an office supply place like Office Depot
or Staples.

Ronald R. Gatrelle, president
The International Lepidoptera Survey
gatrelle at tils-ttr.org


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