Mosquito control No Mo

Ron Gatrelle gatrelle at
Sun May 8 01:31:56 EDT 2005

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Patrick Foley" <patfoley at>
Subject: Re: Mosquito control No Mo

> Jonathan,
> I have no special problem with Ron testifying to his faith every now and
> again, even though the Leps list may not be the finest pulpit.

I posted on a _butterfly_ paper and the mention in it that the Lep. Soc.
had rejected it in its original form (far less than 41 pages I am sure).
I gave the citation of this paper so anyone interested could get a copy and
compare it with the Salvato paper.  Although, there is probably little left
in it of the actual rebuttal paper. The title of the paper shows it is not
about a rebuttal, but about the Miami Blue and mosquito control.   There
was nothing even remotely "religious" in what I posted.

Stan went back to the religious matters as previously and sarcastically
posted here by myself some weeks ago.  I replied to that misconstruing of
my position, and attached a position paper of mine on the idea that the
Adam of Gen 2 is not the mankind of Gen. 1.  Unfortunately, for everyone
else, leps- l does not cut off attachments.

I have never "testified" of my faith here.   Which is why Neil is correct
when he stated that I have never said which God/god I "believe" in.   I
have put out philosophical statements regarding Darwinism and Creationsim
I am careful to not attack a belief in evolution as that and strict
Darwinism are not the same thing, in my view.

 I do wish
> Ron would give other people a little credit for their views. If a
> scientist doesn't want to argue about Creation, is that because of
> anti-God feelings, or is it because we can make a lot more progress
> doing science than arguing about the 10,000 names of God?
Again, I never get into that.   Others at times have injected such things
but not me (or very rarely - I'd have to go back and look at everything I
ever posted here to see if I even mentioned any name(s) - or religious
paths to God/god.

 If the Journal
> of the Leps society rejects a paper, must it be due to environmentalist
> bias? Keeping in mind that most submitted papers are rejected,
> especially 41 page papers.

First, the "society" rejects nothing - it is totally up to the editor what
goes in and what doesn't.  Second, it was never said that the submitted
paper was 41 pages.   I am sure it was much much shorter.   The reason I
see it as bias, and why this subject is important to me, is that I have
over the last 30 years I have often spoke and written on the side of
anti-mosquito control in informal communication.   I have written on this
very list serve how I blamed the mosquito control in the Keys for the
demise of leps there.   I have talked about being there personally in the
70's and 80's when the planes came over and sprayed.   What has changed is
that I came into contact with Larry Hribar via our mutual interaction on
the Miami Blue and got straightened out from all the one sided and
distorted (to downright false) propaganda I had been fed for my _whole
life_.   Larry is an entomologist, naturalist, lepidopterist, family man,
etc. etc.  He is not some moron red neck driving about in the pick-up,
holding a can of bud, and spraying chemicals to kill every creature in
sight.  He also does not work for the "chemical industry".   YES, I believe
the paper was rejected at least in part because it went against the party
line - which is that mosquito control can _never_ be a good much less an
environmentally safe thing.   I bet the editor didn't want "that" on
his/her watch.

> I'm sitting here listening to the Persuasions sing "Building a Home"
> (from the disk "Sincerely"), but I suspect Ron feels scientists and
> environmentalists are the enemy of all things spiritual and down-home
> American.  Should I be listening to Green Day's "American Idiot", Ron?
> Patrick

I don't see what the last statement has to do with anything - other than
getting off one last sling of horse-hock to the face of "faith people".
All you know is your prejudices that form your religious bigotry.   Which
your above statement clearly manifests.   I have no idea of who any of the
artists you refer to are nor anything about their music.   I only listen to
rock n' roll - the harder the better.  I am a scientist and an American the
last I checked.



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