Another sad day in Mexico

MexicoDoug at MexicoDoug at
Sun May 29 17:04:23 EDT 2005

Hola Paul, You are much modest with your praise so let me gratefully  
entertain you.  Based on the points you outline, I bet you really  think Haiti is the 
best roll model for the "liberal democrats" and  "consevative republicans" to 
develop environmental policy - maybe you should  pack them up and ship them 
all there.  Haitians do much better than  Mexicans on the points you outlined.  
On the roads in Monterrey one of  every two vehicles is an SUV (and half of 
what is left is a 10 to 20 year old  imported truck which was junked in the US 
and brought down under the second hand  problem, gridlock - no problem we 
routinely drive on the shoulder when an extra  lane is needed - perhaps if you 
were stuck with a loved one in an ambulance  trying to get to a hospital when no 
one cares you would like to trim back the  sickly population as we do this 
way.  Meanwhile, half of our nation is  choking on auto fumes down here, and I 
think the last little creek in  my region was entubado (how do you say that in 
English?  It is when you  have a beautiful butterfly habitat and fertile land 
turn into a waterless, dry  dead wasteland of unregulated dumping of old 
housing materials, because  someone else wanted the water and decided to drill a 
well and take it against  the law for their illegal nursery in the desert, or 
maybe the Water and Drainage  administration just wanted everyone to be able to 
wash their cars and keep up  with the demand.)  Car washing is a Mexican hobby. 
 Every day!
While your leaders sit on their political butts,  Dems and Reps,  libs and 
cons (and exlibs and excons) don't really have much meaning here...I  think we 
can arrange to send you a generous contingent of politicians from  Mexico on 
one of those new work visa programs to rectify all of your  uniquely USA 
problems...though I can't comment on whether American justice  will not turn into a 
bigger joke than you currently enjoy.
And back to my original point which has been diluted by the Haitian Model  
you laud - The environmentalists who are just worried about their own property  
being robbed - who you frequently engage - would all be gunned down in  the 
arms of their spouses and put you out of a job after the dust cleared.   Would 
you be happy with that?  That is the current situation here...
En un mensaje con fecha 05/28/2005 11:20:36 PM Mexico Daylight Time,  
monarch at escribe:

MexicoDoug at wrote:

> In the last 10 years my own  butterflying
> habitats a 1000 miles north of the article's focus, in  the NE portion
> of the country, have dwindled, and it isn't much fun to  go to an
> alarming number of them as unchecked development, where  a little bribe
> greases the permit wheel as if anyone  actually needed to bother...

On the other hand, the Mexican's are  better environmentalists than
we are in the USA in some ways.  For  example, Mexico doesn't pour
hundreds of millions of dollars into butterfly  habitat destroying roadside 
mowing for beautification and safety purposes  like we do:  The so called  'environmentally
sensitive' liberal democrats of the USA enthusiastically  voted to fund
this roadside mowing just as much as the republicans if not  more so.

Mexico doesn't mandate several hundred pounds worth
of fuel  economy degrading heavy bumpers, air bags, and structural 
reinforcements  in its automobiles like we do to make vehicles more 
crashworthy. This is  another case where the so called 'environmentally 
sensitive' liberal  democrats of the USA voted for this gasoline wasting 
safety equipment just  as much as the republicans if not more so.

Mexico doesn't have car pool  lanes on its freeways which also
waste gasoline because they cause traffic  slowdowns and 
grid lock for the majority of cars on the freeway. Here  again the
the 'environmentally sensitive' liberal democrats of the USA  
were the ones who voted for gasoline wasting car pool lanes.

The  average home and car in Mexico is substantially smaller than 
in the  USA.  In the USA the average size of new homes and cars keeps 
getting  bigger and bigger and the streets wider and wider. The
the 'environmentally  sensitive' liberal democrats of the USA 
are buying these butterfly habitat  destroying larger and larger homes 
and cars just like the  republicans.

Public transportation in Mexico is much better developed  than
in the USA.  

Paul Cherubini
El Dorado,  Calif.

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