Vernon Brou survived Katrina (as did his moth collection)

Mike Quinn Mike.Quinn at
Tue Sep 6 19:12:31 EDT 2005


Vernon Brou, of Abita Springs, Louisiana, survived Hurricane Katrina (as
did his moth collection). 

For those who don't know, Vernon has conducted 36 years of *continuous*
light trapping in Louisiana!

Map showing location of Abita Springs (just north of New Orleans):

Mike Quinn, Austin

PS: Larry Gall suggested I fwd Vernon's email here...

-----Original Message-----
From: Vernon Brou [mailto:vabrou at] 
Sent: Friday, September 02, 2005 11:17 PM
To: Mike Quinn; 
Subject: RE: Dear Friends

     The collection survived, but no electricity and consequently the
heat may cause me to have some damage. I just moments ago got my land
line working, made a few phone calls to family members and was unable to
reach anyone in other parishes and other states. I checked my email 127
of them since Sunday when Charlotte and I left for Jackson Miss and then
Monroe, La. then Shreveport, La. then Alexandria back to Baton Rouge and
to Mandeville 36 hours later and 800 miles.  Was unable to get past
Abita Springs due to flood waters, spent a night in Fountainbleau High
School on the floor with Fire and Rescue Dept. then got home the
following late evening.  Was turned around by state and local police
several places near home, but I always have my La hwy map and was able
to go around via smaller roads.  We arrived home to find utter
devastation on my 10 acres.  My home was untouched and my garages were
untouched, my 45 year old flimsy mobile home housing the 50 year La.
insect collection was untouched, and my pump house sustained very minor
damage.  This is amazing as there are 3000 feet of fencing crushed by
huge trees and more than 1000 of the very largest downed trees on my
place all around my structures and thousands of smaller trees. I have
lost every huge nice looking Oak, cherry, Maple, Pine, not to mention
most of the 120 gourmet variety pear trees and apple trees. I am stuck
here running my generator for the past 3 days, my neighbor who had a
large tree through his roof, made a run for gas and water to near St.
Francisville, West Feliciana, so I am ok for the next 2-3 days.  Haven't
taken a bath since Sunday.  No AC or electricity nor water well,  quite
miserable and the I have spent 2 days cutting trees just to get my front
driveway clear, ought to have this done in a week, if I keep at it. St.
Tammany Parish is locked down. Some electricity has been restored to
Hammond yesterday and small area in Covington business district today
gas available for the first time now that some elec restored.  The
electric lines are ripped to the ground throughout Tangipahoa and St.
Tammany Parish. The electric companies will have to bring in thousands
of new poles and transformer and elec lines before I will get elec back.
Not sure how long I will be able to hold out here.  Then, I have no job-
I worked in New Orleans, being unable to cross the causeway or the
Slidell route and not sure if 55 is open yet either. No gas, elec or
anything available in Slidell which was in the center of the eye. No
communication via cell phones for 4 days now for emergency crews or
anyone = cell system knocked out in SE Louisiana.       

Best Wishes,
Vernon Antoine Brou Jr. & Charlotte Dozar Brou
74320 Jack Loyd Road
Abita Springs, Louisiana 70420 USA
vabrou at

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Quinn [mailto:Mike.Quinn at] 
Sent: Monday, August 29, 2005 5:46 PM
To: <snip>
Subject: Dear Friends

Dear Friends,

I would be most happy to know if you are okay...

I went though both Betsy and Camille as a child in Metairie.

Thanks, Mike


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