Predators on Butterflies
Patrick Foley
patfoley at
Fri Sep 23 19:08:14 EDT 2005
Two years ago I found a Painted Lady in a bog north of Truckee, captured
by a sundew of the species Drosera rotundifolia. I've never seen a
prouder carnivorous plant.
Stan Gorodenski wrote:
> This is not intended to start up the collector-anti collecting debate.
> For the past 3 weeks or so I have been going to one of the few spots
> not sprayed by pesticides for various reasons. I have never seen so
> many crab spiders in sunflowers and other yellow flowers of composits
> and they are really having a feast on the butterflies in the area,
> including bot flies and even bees. One could almost make a lep
> collection by grabbing the prey from the spiders. I did this yesterday
> and got a perfect Zerene cesonia(?). Those in the past those, such as
> Ron Gatrelle, who have pointed out how much more an impact predators,
> rather than collectors, have on butterflies sure hit the nail on the
> head.
> Stan
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