Fabricius 1938
Jean Michel Maes
jmmaes at ibw.com.ni
Sun Sep 25 18:24:31 EDT 2005
Dear friends,
Sorry for the wrong subject header in my last e-mail.
I have been looking why there are some references of a Fabricius publication
of 1938.
I still do not know, but I found a reference anterior than the Checklist of
Gerardo Lamas.
There is a similar citation in :
Willmott, Constantino & Hall (2001) A review of Colobura... Ann. Entomol.
Soc. Am., 94(2):185-196.
What calls my attention is the reference for Cynthia cassavae FABRICIUS,
So I check and found, in the web page of Zoological Museum of Copenhagen
University that the type was from a publication from Fabricius 1807.
Ref. : Syst. Gloss. 1807 p. 105, 79
I guess that the correct year and reference is 1807.
Fabricius, 1807
Systema Glossatorum. Die neueste Gattungs-Eintheilung der Schmetterlinge aus
den Linnéischen Gattungen Papilio und Sphinx Magazin f. Insektenk. (Illiger)
6: 277-289 (?295)
But than from where cames this :
Fabricius, 1938
Systema Glossatorum Secundum Ordines, Genera, Species Adiectis Synonymi
Locis, Observationibus, Descriptionibus in Bryk, Systema Glossatorum:
[i]-xii, 13-112
We have here a very small library, if someone has :
GRIFFIN, F. J. The Systema Glossatorum of Fabricius. JSBNH 1 (9): 261-267
(November 1939).
perhaps this work gives an answer.
Looking more, there are some taxa with this same reference :
Cynthia liria Fabricius, 1938
Urania dotata Fabricius, 1938
in : www.zoologi.su.se/research/ wahlberg/Nymphalidae/Victorinini.htm
Limnitis theobromatis Fabricius, 1938
in : www.zoologi.su.se/research/ wahlberg/Nymphalidae/Nymphalini.htm
Danaus curassavicae Fabricius, 1938
in :
Papilio chalcas Fabricius,1938
there are probably more.
Dr. Jean-Michel MAES
AP 527
tel 505-3116586
FAX 505-3110126
jmmaes at ibw.com.ni
jmmaes at bio-nica.org
jmmaes at yahoo.com
jmmaes at walla.com
afleon at ibw.com.ni (oficina de la Alianza Francesa)
www.bio-nica.org (main page in spanish)
http://www.ibw.com.ni/u/jmmaes (pequeña pagina de contacto)
http://espanol.groups.yahoo.com/group/MEL-Info/ (lista de anuncios - puede
inscribirse si le parece)
www.avesnicaragua.org (aves)
http://www.insectariumvirtual.com/termitero/nicaragua/welcome.htm (Insectos)
http://www.coleoptera.org/p1760.htm (Lucanidae genera)
----- Original Message -----
From: "jbelicek" <joe.belicek at shaw.ca>
To: <TILS-leps-talk at yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Sunday, September 25, 2005 4:58 PM
Subject: [leps-talk] Limenitis vs. Basilarchia
> I see that you can not append an attachment to a post.
> Instead I placed the PDF taxon ID tree Limenitis vs. Basilarchia
> in the Files area on the TILS site. For Those that want to see it.
> Joe Belicek
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