Info needed

Chip Taylor chip at
Sun Apr 23 19:37:23 EDT 2006

I recently received the following request for assistance concerning a 
reference from a colleague

"I am editing a manuscript for the Handbook of Paleoichthyology, and 
the author on the volume of thelodonts cannot find the reference of a 
paper, where the name Logania [given to a thelodont by Gross 1967C 
praeocc. Distant 1884 Lepidoptera (Whitley 1976)] was given to a 
butterfly. All what I have on reference is the following:

Distant, W. L. (1884). Rhopal. Malay.

We don't have this work of Distant in the KU library, even though 
other publications of Distant are present. I couldn't find any 
citation of this publication in the other publications of Distant. 
(Whitley 1976 is published without any references)."

Does anyone have access to the publication by Distant in question?

Thanks in advance for your help.


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