California Sees worst Butterfly Season in 35 years Butterfly Season in 35 years

Chuck Vaughn aa6g at
Thu Aug 24 11:48:20 EDT 2006

I live in the middle of Calaveras County at 2500' and keep an eye out  
for butterflies each year, no scientific survey. It seems like  
species counts rise and fall every year. This year I noticed normal  
numbers of swallowtails; Tigers, Pale, Anise and even one Pipevine.  
I've seen only a few Ladies. California Tortoiseshells had normal  
numbers but way back in February. California Sisters seemed about  
average. I don't keep track of blue species but whichever ones we  
have here were out in good numbers two months ago. Common ringlets  
were normal and I've never seen so many Great Basin Wood Nymphs. I'm  
still seeing them today. I saw a couple of what I believe were Brown  
Elfins. I caught one and that's my best guess. That's a first for here.

On returning from southern California a week ago there was a 10 mile  
stretch on Hwy 99 near Madera that was like going through a rain  
storm of Orange Sulfurs. Dead ones littered the highway.

Is anyone lamenting the almost total lack of yellow jackets this  
year? I've seen perhaps 6 all summer long except for many queens back  
in May and June. I have two friends in other parts of the foothills  
and they haven't seen any either. I wish I could say the same for  
paper wasps and carpenter bees. :-)

Chuck Vaughn

> Patrick Foley wrote:
>> I live in Davis and talk to people in Davis. There is no doubt  
>> that this
>> continues to be the worst local butterfly year in anyone's memory.
>> Normally during this late summer season the flights of whites and
>> sulfurs are much greater.
> I disagree,  The agricultural roads around Davis are littered
> with road kill of Orange Sulphurs right now because
> these butterflies are so abundant.  Maybe I need to start
> posting movies?
>> For example, I have not seen any Lady of any species
>> this spring or summer in Davis.
> I saw and photographed two west coast ladies during
> the brief 10 minute period I was in Davis.   Had I been
> in Davis for several hours I no doubt would have been
> able to compile a substantial species list.  Maybe I'll try
> to do so next week.
> Paul


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