Impressive 4th of July counts of "Endangered" migrant monarchs.

Grkovich, Alex agrkovich at
Tue Jul 11 10:39:39 EDT 2006


A Queen COULD wander into southern Michigan; I wouldn't discount the
possibility...After all, they DO wander (not migrate, of course) far up
the Great Plains (to Minnesota, I think, isn't it?) in late summer...

Check the Butts of Canada book...they cite a record of Mexican
Fritillary in Saskatchewan (or was it Manitoba?)...


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-leps-l at [mailto:owner-leps-l at]
On Behalf Of Roger Kuhlman
Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2006 9:55 AM
To: LEPS-L at
Subject: Re: Impressive 4th of July counts of "Endangered" migrant

Maybe that is true concerning the release of Painted Ladies but what
about Queens (Danaus gilippus) in the northern part of eastern United
States? I have found two Queens in southeast Michigan over the past five
years. One of these Queens I learned was a result of a wedding release
but the second could have been a wild vagrant but I will never know. It
was only by accident that I found out the first Queen was a releasee.

Roger Kuhlman
Ann Arbor, Michigan

>Roger Kuhlman wrote:
> > all three Vanessa species have been extremely scarce.
> > [in SE Michigan]. In fact no one who reports sightings for the 
> > GreaterWashtenaw County Butterfly Survey has spotted a Painted Lady 
> > yet this year.
>Charles V Covell Jr. wrote:
> > We held our 24th July 4th count in Oldham Co., KY on Sat. July 1.  
> > We recorded 38 species and 1,264 individuals.  Not one _Vanessa_ of 
> > any of the 3 expected species was seen this year!
>Likewise in a recent 4th of July census count posting on 
>okleps at,  96 monarch sightings were recorded in 
>northeast Oklahoma, but no Painted Ladies.
>But hey fellows, do you realize what this lack of Painted Lady 
>sightings this summer in the Midwest during your 4th of July census 
>field trips has inadvertently demonstrated?
>In my view, it demonstrates that ongoing commercial and school releases

>of Painted Ladies aren't interfering with your census counts and 
>ability to document the ups and downs of Painted Lady abundance in any 
>substantial way.
>Paul Cherubini
>El Dorado, Calif.
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