Paul Cherubini caught out yet again

chris kline kline_at_pine at
Tue Jun 6 18:42:32 EDT 2006

I realize that some folks don't like to be confused with facts, but here is the response that I just got from Karen Oberhauser when I pointed out the apparent discrepancy to her regarding her two newsletters.  THX  
  Hi Chris,

Thanks for bringing this to my attention.  Here's an answer you should feel free to post:

There was an error in the way in which the density in the Monarchs in the Classroom newsletter was calculated.  Instead of using the overall value for the Upper Midwestern States (calculated as the total number of eggs observed in the peak week divided by the total number of plants observed), as we had done in previous years, our data manager calculated the value as the mean of the values of all of the sites.  There was one site with a very high mean that skewed the data.  Unfortunately, we didn't catch this error until we were writing the Monarch Larva Monitoring Project newsletter a few weeks earlier.  The MLMP newsletter, with the lower value for 2005, is correct.

We thought that this mistake had been corrected in the on-line version of the newsletter, and appreciate your bringing this to our attention.  It's gratifying to know that people are looking so closely at these newsletters!  We'll change the file on the web site.

Karen Oberhauser

Al Hill <aljhill at> wrote:
  The fact is that a graph was cited out of context without giving reference
to the article from which it was taken. This is grounds enough, in my
opinion, to permanently ban Paul Cherubini from posting to these lists. It
takes hours to adequately write a response to the garbage this man has
consistently posted to the lists I have seen and none of us should have to
spend this time to counter what appears to be intentionally biased
sts. -Al Hill
----- Original Message -----
From: "Paul Cherubini" 
To: "Leps-L" 
Sent: Monday, August 27, 1956 12:15 PM
Subject: Re: Paul Cherubini caught out yet again

> Neil, you are mistaken. I did not alter Dr. Karen Oberhauser's
> graph. I wrote:
> > monarch egg densities last summer in the upper Midwest were near
> > a 10 year high according to Dr. Karen Oberhauser:
> >
> Here is page 15 of Dr. Oberhauser's 2006 newsletter where
> she displays this same exact graph (bottom graph):
> Here is the exact text of what Dr. Oberhauser wrote:
> "We are pleased to report that summer 2005 and winter 2005 to
> 2006 saw monarch numbers return to average in the wintering
> colonies, and almost reach their ten year high in MLMP sites in
> the upper Midwestern US."
> Paul Cherubini
> El Dorado, Calif.
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If you wait for perfect conditions, you will never get anything done.
Chris Kline
Senior Instructional Specialist
Boyce Thompson Arboretum
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Superior, Arizona  85273
(520) 689-2723
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