Endangered Species Research: A Call for Involvement
Godley-ESR at seaturtle.org
Mon May 8 12:21:38 EDT 2006
Dear Listmembers of LEPS-L
Endangered Species Research: A Call for Involvement
I have joined the list to see how and where I can engage your community of scientists can engage with a new conservation journal "Endangered Species Research" or ESR <http://www.int-res.com/journals/esr/esr-home/>. The journal is an Inter Research publication <http://www.int-res.com/index.html> which is best known for the journal Marine Ecology Progress Series; a journal with excellent reviewing and production standards, leading its field.
The aim of ESR as articulated on the website:
"..publishes contributions reporting research on all species (and habitats) of conservation concern, whether they be classified as Near Threatened or Threatened (Endangered or Vulnerable) by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) or highlighted as part of national or regional conservation strategies. Submissions are also welcomed on (among others) the following wider cross-cutting issues and themes pertinent to the conservation of biodiversity:
* Captive breeding and re-introductions
* Sustainable use
* Conservation medicine (veterinary)
* Conservation genetics
* Population monitoring
* Conservation economics
* Restoration ecology
* Invasive species
* Effects of climate change
* Fisheries bycatch
* Bushmeat
* Biodiversity assessment"
The project was launched in late 2004 by Professor Otto Kinne an ardent conservationist with some of his own work on locally threatened amphibians. Although an editorial board was assembled, for several reasons, the pickup of the journal was relatively slow. Over the last few months the progress of the journal has started to accelerate. For 2006, we have 4 mss accepted and under production and 10mss at review on molluscs, cetaceans, otters, seabirds and turtles. In April we had over 1000 pdf downloads and our trajectory is exponentially upwards. Our editorial board will be commensurately growing over the next few months. We welcome submissions on all taxa and ecosystems of conservation concern in terrestrial, freshwater and marine realm. Submissions should be via the Managing Editor Penny Khun at esr-submissions at int-res.com.
If you would like to receive additional updates about contents to ESR you can subscribe for e-mail updates by sending a message to: esr-contents-subscribe at int-res.com containing the text "SUBSCRIBE esr-content"
We already have high editorial and production standards, swift reviewing and publication online with free access. I hope that some of you on the list will be interested enough to pay us a visit, subscribe to receive further updates or even submit a piece for publication!
With kind regards
Dr. Brendan J. Godley
Lecturer in Conservation Biology
Centre for Ecology & Conservation
University of Exeter, Cornwall Campus
Editor-in-Chief, Endangered Species Research
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