Pilocrocis ramentalis
Brian Scholtens
scholtensb at cofc.edu
Tue Oct 31 10:03:30 EST 2006
Hugh and all,
Pilocrocis certainly is a fall migrant. Most years I do not see it, but in
some years it is abundant in the Smokies. I have taken it as far north as
Pellston, MI at the Univ. of Michigan Bio. Station (a single individual). I
think Hugh is right that it rarely strays farther than the middle eastern
states, although it may do so more often with warming temperatures.
Brian Scholtens
From: "Hugh McGuinness" <hmcguinness at ross.org>
Reply-To: hmcguinness at ross.org
Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2006 23:59:54 -0500
To: <LEPS-L at lists.yale.edu>, "Mothrah" <TILS-moth-rah at yahoogroups.com>
Subject: Pilocrocis ramentalis
Hello Fellow Lepidophiles,
On Oct 18 & 22 I found Pilocrocis ramentalis (Pyralidae) here on eastern
Long Island, NY, for the first time in 5 seasons of intensive observation.
(My only other record for the species is from Naples, FL.) Forbes (1923)
lists the northern limit of this species¹ range as New York and states that,
³Northward this species has only been taken in the fall.² This suggests that
the species is a vagrant from the south. So here is my question & request:
Does anyone know of this species occurring regularly in the eastern US north
of, say, Virginia? I would appreciate hearing about records of this species
north of Virginia. What is the farthest north that the species is known to
occur regularly?
Hugh McGuinness
The Ross School
18 Goodfriend Dr.
East Hampton, NY 11963
631-907-5229 (no messages)
631-697-2099 (cell)
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