Neil Jones - Confirmed Racist
Michael E. Soukup
mikayak3 at
Sat Sep 16 15:27:24 EDT 2006
Normally, I don't go for Psychiatry or medication (unless self
administered) ;-)
But, every once in a while, I feel that, like government, it is a
necessary evil. This *is* one of those times. And, I even consider
Neil one of those "far left environmental wackos" (No offense intended
Neil - I *hope *you wear it like a badge of honor as you don't seem to
be a man who shirks from his beliefs). And, I don't usually agree with
Neil...but I'm very sure that I don't want to be, in any way, associated
with the likes of this guy here.
This is one impressively, incoherent rant!!!
I recommend a few Valium at least....Maybe something a bit stronger.....
But, this is so far over the edge
gosh datnit wrote:
> Neil Jones - Confirmed Racist
> See
> on
> the racist staement made by Neil Jones of the British Butterfly
> Conservation Society. This is the same person that thinks all those
> that believe in G-d or a higher, more enlightened power are the fools.
> And then he uses the phrase; "I try to think "there but for the grace
> of God go I" but given the damage these nuts can do to butterflies it
> is hard. Yes the damage Neil Jones has done is beyond repute.
> Also see the following Re: Neil Jones
> I hope Neil Jones likes the following disortation of the hole he put
> himself into...speaking out of place that is...
> > Neil Jones States the Following:
> > Entirely possible for someone living in such a confused and deluded
> > state. Mark has been mildly critical of Schnauber in the past though.
> > Nothing to justify this sort of response of course.
> > I am copying this to the Monarch Watch list ( dplex-l) which also
> > received the original message.
> > > Hans Schnauber, who appears to have been nailed to the wall for
> running a pyramid scheme, is known to us.
> > > Back in '97 or so, he proposed to release some huge number of
> Monarchs, I think it was, on July Fourth.
> > > This would, of course, conflict with NABA's count.
> > > When this was called to his attention, he explained that they
> could simply subtract
> Repose to Neil Jones:
> > It isn't just that. He started an organisation called the International
> > Federation of Butterfly Enthusiasts.
> The IFBE will be setup in Washington again as I now have 100% control
> of the technology.
> > The ludicrous grandiosity of the
> > name and the initial promotion was enough to make me steer well clear,
> > but others were not so careful.
> Ludicrous??? It must be because your group of three are loosing all
> formns of credibility. Follow the path as they say..., and watch
> closely Neil, and you might learn something.
> > You may remember me parodying it as the
> > Pangalactic Association of Lepidoptera Specialists ( PALS).
> Does that stand for Pinochio Against Living Species?
> > He has been involved in a number of rather dubious schemes. Selling
> > Milkweed as a cure for AIDS,
> No dummy, I supplied a research journal to numerous colleges and
> universities, including but not limited to Harvard.
> > butterflies as a confetti substitute,
> I thought you brain was the substitute
> > and famously "cybersquatting".
> You must have me confused with those that talk about things they no
> nothing about. Oh, I'm sorry Neil, we are talking about you. A person
> thats knows nothing yet proclaims to know it all.
> > That is to say registering names of famous companies for himself and
> telling the
> > world's press that he was doing it for the butterflies.
> If you knew anything you would know it was a program, that I am sure
> your I.Q. couldn't muster enough energy to know how to play, yet I
> still release butterflies for the enjoyment of thousands of children. I
> suggest before you bring your knowledge over to our contry you figure
> first how to stop avian flu from killing your country's so-called
> ravens
> > I think this was connected to the pyramid scheme.
> Can you show one peice of evidence. Perhaps you should goto
> <> and watch the
> story unfold. After for future
> reference, I think you should know how to think before you begin to
> speak.
> > So if you're wondering whatever became of good ole Hans, here's your
> answer. I
> > rather think that he himself is jewboy.
> Hey racist [ yes, jewboy is a racist coment ] - the word is 'Jew Guy'
> So I gues you follow what others state before checking the minute
> details. This seems to be your mode-of-operandi
> > Yes, I strongly suspect you're right. It is very like the last rant
> > against me that I know was from one of Schnauber's numerous pseudonyms.
> > It is posted using the same route he uses and is very alike in language
> > to what I have seen before. He is, I believe, Jewish. Certainly one of
> > his postings that I have seen goes on about the Talmud.
> I would rather be Jew Guy than follow your idiotic belief system, one
> that is responsible for the present middleeast crises dating from 1917.
> Perhaps you can kiss a monkey's a#& when you find the mising link to
> your family tree.
> > Send all spam messages to Neil Jones
> > n...
> <>
> > ------------------------------------------------------------
> > For subscription and related information about LEPS-L visit:
> >
> Other post related to Neil Jones
> <>
> <>
> Re: Neil Jones
> I can't wait to see the future unfold right between the tiny space
> between your ears...
> ...and don't forget to watch the IFBE blog
> <> for
> future updates :-)
> Repost found at
> Neil Jones - Confirmed Racist
> Supplied by Your Friend and Commandant
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