Corporate denial on climate change

Stan Gorodenski stan_gorodenski at
Wed Sep 20 11:12:08 EDT 2006

I'm afraid I don't agree with this analysis. The anti-man made global 
warming advocates have seemed, to me, to be in continual self denial 
because it permits them to not have to deal with the consequences of 
their (the whole of man-womankind) actions. It's always easier to blame 
something else. To support their case they ususally produce a graph or 
facts of how things have been as hot or hotter than in the past. Since 
we are living in the present and not the distant past it is generally 
not possible to know what caused the temperature variations in the past. 
However, we do know what is happening in the present and it is here that 
scientists studying this phenomenon have concluded that there can be no 
adequate explanation for the warming trend occurring unless they throw 
man-women and the industrial revolution into the equation. I go with the 
scientific evidence that man-woman is a significant cause of the present 
global warming and don't consider it to be a matter of 'belief'. This is 
acting on the best available evidence and study and is not a matter of 
religion. Yes, global warming will result in some species going to 
extinction and other areas becoming habitabe, but because it is man 
caused without any end in sight, it is a dangerous unknown of what the 
future can really hold. At the minimum it is more than just areas 
becoming more habitable. Coast line cities will become flooded, weather 
patterns will change that will significantly affect crop production, 
and  vectors will increase in areas where there were no problems before.

Michael E. Soukup wrote:

> Sorry Roger,
>   I don't share your view on this. 
>   "Climate Change" on earth has been going on for 6 billion years - of 
> which man has been present for a only a tiny, tiny fraction.  I have 
> no doubt that "climate change" is going on presently (notice how they 
> no longer call it "global warming" - this is due to the fact that 
> calling it "global warming" *could*  make one look like a fool in a 
> few years - if there is a cooling trend.  Calling it "climate change" 
> - well, you *can't *go wrong with that!!  I mean, if it gets warmer, 
> colder, wetter, drier, calmer, stormier - it doesn't matter - you can 
> blame ALL of it on "climate change" - it covers all of the bases.  
> It's disingenuous - but it's covers one's butt.  I even told my wife 
> 10 years ago, when "global warming" was all rage that soon they would 
> change that name to "Global climate change" - because global warming 
> "could be wrong".  And, since the experts *truly* had and have no clue 
> as to whether the earth is getting warmer or cooler (it's getting 
> warmer in some places, cooler in others), they would have to change 
> the name of their mission to "global climate change" in order to not 
> look silly.
>   So, yes, I believe "climate change" is going on.  No, I don't 
> believe man has anything but a minimal impact on it.  Nor do I believe 
> we can do anything about it.
> Here is a chart from wikipedia showing temperatures over the past 
> 400,000 years from the Vostok Ice cores.  You will note that the graph 
> is *never* a flat line.  We live on a dynamic earth.  We can't change 
> that - nor should we actually try until we understand *everything* 
> about the entire universal system - ie. we are Gods.  And, that isn't 
> happening any time soon.  All we can do is adapt.
> In addition, there is much more earth that is not inhabitable because 
> it is too cold than because it is too warm.  A few degrees temperature 
> increase would be good for most places on earth.  Sure they would 
> change.  Some animals and plants might go extinct.  Others may come 
> into being.  We have no idea.  We can only guess.
> So, why should Exxon spend billions and trillions of dollars - all of 
> which, in the end, comes out of the pockets of the poorest peoples - 
> and is immediately funnelled into the hands of people who want to 
> control everything that goes on on the planet - on a "percieved 
> problem" - that we probably can't do anything about??
> I will leave with one more small picture - one of my favorites.  It 
> shows the relative size of the planets and the sun.  After viewing it, 
> which do you think would be the simplest (ie. occams razor) 
> explanation for climate activities - or that *huge* 
> golden orbl 4 light minutes away.....
> Just my 2 cents.....
> Roger C. KENDRICK wrote:
>> forgot to paste in the details!
>> *The denial industry*
>> The oil giant ExxonMobil gives money to scores of organisations that 
>> claim
>> the science on global warming is inconclusive - which it isn't. It's a
>> strategy that has set back action on climate change by a decade, and it
>> involves the same people who insist that passive smoking is harmless,
>> reveals George Monbiot in the first of three extracts from his new book
>> George Monbiot
>> Tuesday September 19 2006
>> The Guardian (U.K. newspaper)
>> */"Roger C. KENDRICK" <hkmoths at>/* wrote:
>>     F.Y.I.
>>     some incisive news on ExxonMobil & their cronies
>>     cheers,
>>     Roger
>> Roger C. KENDRICK Ph.D.
>> Senior Conservation Officer, Fauna Conservation,
>> Kadoorie Farm & Botanic Garden, Hong Kong
>> Hong Kong Moths -
>> discussion group -
>> C & R Wildlife (sole proprietor), Tai Po, Hong Kong
>> hkmoths at 
>Mike Soukup
>The Nature Depot
>P.O. Box 393
>Gambrills, MD  21054
>(410) 729-1912


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