Corporate denial on climate change

Robert Dana Robert.Dana at
Thu Sep 21 11:55:25 EDT 2006

Regarding Mr. Soukup's implication that our current global temperature
rise is the effect of increased solar output, see the recent research
report described at: 

Robert Dana

>>> "Michael E. Soukup" <mikayak3 at> 9/20/06 5:48 AM >>>
Sorry Roger,

  I don't share your view on this. 
   I have no 
doubt that "climate change" is going on presently 

  So, yes, I believe "climate change" is going on.  No, I don't believe

man has anything but a minimal impact on it.  Nor do I believe we can
anything about it.

<bunch of text snipped>

I will leave with one more small picture - one of my favorites.  It 
shows the relative size of the planets and the sun.  After viewing it,

which do you think would be the simplest (ie. occams razor) explanation

for climate activities - or that *huge* golden orbl
light minutes away.....

Just my 2 cents.....


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