Dominican Republic

Richard Worth rworth at
Tue Dec 18 11:09:28 EST 2007


I collected there a long time ago.  The collecting was pretty good,  
however I was there at the start of the rainy season.  Being the  
start of the dry season now, things may be different.  You will  
likely get very different fauna in different regions.  The coast will  
be different from the interior mountains which will be different from  
the desert region near Santiago.  There are a some endemic spp. and  
there are a number of Calisto spp (Satyridae) in the forests.  Check  
Bioquip (online) for a few different books.  I believe the latest and  
best is the one on Butterflies of the Caribbean and south Florida  
(Miller et al, I think)  though it is large and not a pocket guide.

Best of luck in your travels,  Richard

> From: Alex Bic [mailto:bicaliber at]
> Sent: Monday, December 17, 2007 1:36 PM
> To: Hank Brodkin
> Subject: Dominican Republic
> Who knows if you still remember me, but we talked a while back  
> about Mexico. Btw, were you at the Lorquin meeting the other day?  
> I'm the 17 year-old kid that brought in the droor of Parides.
> Anyway, I will be taking a short trip to the Dominican Republic in  
> a few days and I would really appreciate any advice on collecting  
> locations or people that you may know who have been there. Maybe  
> you have some specimens from there that have data? Any help would  
> be greatly appreciated.
> Thank you for your time,
> Alex

Richard Worth
Entomologist / Lepidopterist
Plant Division
Oregon Dept. of Agriculture
635 Capitol St. NE
Salem, OR  97301
rworth at

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