Fwd: first edition of Butterflies of Southern Amazonia - now available
Mike Quinn
entomike at gmail.com
Tue May 1 12:09:02 EDT 2007
FYI, Mike Quinn, Austin
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kim Garwood <kimgrwd at sbcglobal.net>
Date: May 1, 2007 8:17 AM
Subject: place your order now for Butterflies of Southern Amazonia
May 1, 2007
The first edition of Butterflies of Southern Amazonia is now ready for
printing! 250 color plates, 8 photos/plate, over 1,050 species. The
price will be $87, including shipping & handling, for US orders, $94 for
international shipping by global priority mail. Please place your order
through our website with PayPal or send your check, made out to Kim
Garwood, to 721 N. Bentsen Palm Drive #40, Mission TX 78572, and also
please reply to this email ASAP letting us know if you're going to want
a copy. We are doing a small print run, so there will not be additional
copies available. We're trying to determine how many to print; anybody
who is thinking of buying one needs to let us know immediately. There
will only be one printing at this time. Additional printings of fewer
copies will be a great deal more expensive.
Our plan is to have a second edition in the next year or so, after this
one has been out and we have received feedback on it. This will give us
another year to collect more photographs, either of new species or
upgrade the shots we have, plus to get any errors corrected. We hope to
get some additional funding for the second printing, which MIGHT
decrease the cost. So if you don't want the book for this year, you
might consider waiting for the second edition. However, this is not
guaranteed; so it might be wiser to buy this first edition, even though
it's not inexpensive.
Either way, if you've received this email, please respond and let us
know whether you want one or not. If not, just reply and say 'no', so we
don't count you in by mistake.
Thanks very much for your interest in Butterflies of Southern Amazonia.
Kim Garwood & Richard Lehman
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