"dire straits faced by most of our butterfly fauna"

Stan Gorodenski stan_gorodenski at asualumni.org
Tue May 1 18:07:05 EDT 2007

Are you mixing up issues? The discussion seems to be on the extinction 
of species that occurs in an area year round (which may not be the 
extinction of the species if there are other areas it is in), not 
migratorial phenomena.

Paul Cherubini wrote:

>patfoley wrote:
>>Human-caused landscape fragmentation, habitat degradation, BT GE corn,
>>pesticides and night lights may not be doing monarchs much harm. But
>>most leps are not monarchs. Is this just a game you are playing, or do 
>>you seriously think monarchs make a good model lep for conservation 
>Pat, it was only 3 months ago that a senior University of Kansas
>entomology professor, Dr. Chip Taylor, proclaimed in the popular press that
>"We have a major [Monarch Butterfly] conservation crisis"
>And in a peer reviewed journal in 1989 Dr. Lincoln Brower 
>predicted the extinction of the eastern USA monarch migration 
>phenomenon by the year 2000.
>>Art Shapiro has been tracking hundreds of species. He does not argue
>>that all butterflies are in trouble.
>Pat, Art Shapiro said: "DIRE straits faced by MOST of our butterfly 
>fauna" [of the lower Sacramento Valley = about 90 species]
>So Shapiro is saying MOST of those 90 species are in dire trouble. 
>Here are Shapiro's species lists for his lower Sacramento Valley
>study sites:
>North Sacramento: http://butterfly.ucdavis.edu/sites/north_sac
>West Sacramento: http://butterfly.ucdavis.edu/sites/west_sac
>Rancho Cordova: http://butterfly.ucdavis.edu/sites/rancho
>Suisun Marsh: http://butterfly.ucdavis.edu/sites/suisun
>Gates Canyon: http://butterfly.ucdavis.edu/sites/gates
>Is it reasonable for Shapiro to proclaim most of these 80
>species are in "dire straights"?  
>Paul Cherubini
>El Dorado, Calif.
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