(no subject)

Vincent Lucas vplucas at comcast.net
Mon Aug 11 20:26:31 EDT 2008

Or you could live down here in SW Florida where counties like Lee &  
Collier spend more on aerial mosquito spraying (which impacts leps in  
a huge way) than the GDPs of some countries. . . .


Vincent Lucas
Naples, FL
vplucas at comcast.net

On Aug 11, 2008, at 7:40 PM, May wrote:

> http://share2.myfwc.com/IBWG/default.aspx
> Florida's butterflies are dwindling.  I knew that already.  The  
> FDOT will not still the roadside mowers, where the wildflowers  
> are.  In Bay County, where I live, they tried to form a coalition  
> for butterflies with the purpose of letting the flowers seed first,  
> then mow.  At first FDOT was agreeable.  It saves the  
> municipalities and state money.
> But they are mowing viciously.  I just sent the local Audubon a  
> list of what I've seen this year.
> Hardly any.  And not even ONE sulphur.
> May
> Bayou George, FL
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