Fw: Butterfly new to Sri Lanka

Carolyn King cking at yorku.ca
Tue Feb 26 13:37:06 EST 2008

I am posting this for Nancy and Michael van der Poorten, who are currently 
living and doing research in Sri Lanka.
Exciting news!
Carolyn King
Toronto Entomologists' Association

----- Forwarded by Carolyn King/fs/YorkU on 02/26/08 01:19 PM -----
Michael & Nancy van der Poorten <info at srilankaninsects.net> 
02/25/08 03:45 AM

Carolyn King <cking at yorku.ca>, Chris Darling <chrisd at rom.on.ca>, "Colin 
Jones (home)" <cdjones at csolve.net>

Butterfly new to Sri Lanka

Hi all,
Just wanted to let you know that we've 'discovered' a butterfly new to 
SL! Not new to science. It's Catopsilia scylla, the Orange Migrant, 
which is common in Northern Australia, Singapore, Malaysia etc. It has 
never been reported in Sri Lanka before. We first saw adults, then when 
we checked the plants they were hanging around, we found pupal cases, 
pupae, eggs, larvae of all stages! So they seem to be breeding here. How 
they got here still needs to be worked out, possibly on some imported 
plant material. There's more information at our website:

and in this newspaper article (which has some incorrect information):

Nancy & Michael
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