6th International Conference on the Biology of Butterflies

Felix Sperling felix.sperling at ualberta.ca
Wed Feb 27 17:27:00 EST 2008

Dear Butterfly Biologists,

We are seeking your feedback to allow us to schedule the best dates  
for the 6th International Conference on the Biology of Butterflies.  
As some of you know from the successfully concluded 5th conference  
last year in Rome, we offered to hold the next conference in Alberta,  
Canada, in 2010. For those of you who don't know about this  
conference series, it has been held every few years, mainly in Europe  
but once in Colorado. The long-standing theme of this conference  
series focuses attention on recent developments in biology that rely  
on butterflies as research models, particularly in ecology and  
evolutionary biology. The organization of these meetings has been  
quite informal, which is why we are also soliciting feedback from  
people who were not at the previous meeting, but who might want to  
attend the next one.

Now we would like to get your opinions on the best dates for the  
conference during summer 2010. We have three weeks available at our  
University of Alberta conference centre in Edmonton, and we would  
like you to vote on which one you would prefer. Would you please vote  
for the single best week at the preliminary conference website,  
below? We'll leave the survey up for 10 days.


Comments of any sort are welcome. Although there is a 5-day time  
period indicated for each week, we intend to keep the actual  
conference to 3 or 4 days.

Thank you,

Felix Sperling
Jens Roland

Department of Biological Sciences
University of Alberta

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