Colombia - Request for IDs

Hank Brodkin hbrodkin at
Sun Oct 19 15:00:29 EDT 2008

I could use a little (lot?) of help IDing some butterflies from Colombia.  I
have set up an album on Photobucket with some metalmarks and nymphalids.
These were photographed in the transandean regions : Sierra Nevada de Santa
Marta, the eastern slope of the central Andes, and in the Magdalena valley.
Please click on:
This should take you to the Colombia 2 album.
If they ask for a password - it is: ales
Please reply to me personally at hbrodkin at
Thanks in advance for any help you can give.

Hank Brodkin
Carr Canyon, Cochise County, AZ
hbrodkin at
"Butterflies of Arizona - a Photographic Guide"
"Finding Butterflies in Arizona - a Guide to the Best Sites" 

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