correct spelling of novaroensis navaroensis

Ron Hodges rwhodges at
Sat Jun 20 18:44:48 EDT 2009

> The correct‹original spelling is novaroensis.
> I just looked at the original description [Papilio, 1: 199, 1881].  The type
> locality was spelled Novaro, Mendocino Co., Cal. in the paper.
> Ron Hodges
> ]I note in the marvellous new Moths of Western North America that Synanthedon
> novaroensis is mis-spelled as navaroensis....................but then I got to
> thinking that just because MONA and followers spell it novaroensis does not
> mean that is correct............... why not Powell and Opler correct MONA
> wrong?
> Sooooo.....can anyone tell me which is the correct spelling of the name of
> this very pretty if unmoth-like moth, that is common in my backyard as we
> speak. My money is on the old guys.
> Gary Anweiler

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