Moth Collecting May Soon Be Frowned Upon

Alan Wormington wormington at
Thu Sep 10 23:53:02 EDT 2009


Your statement is not correct.

The TEA has a "catch-and-release" policy which applies ONLY to its
scheduled outings, which are open to the public.

Many TEA members are actually active collectors, and their data is often
published in TEA annual summaries.

On the TEA website there is a "Collecting Code":

which is derived (in part) from a similar one created by the "Committee
on Collecting policy of the Lepidopterists' Society in the USA"

I can actually see the benefit of having a "no collecting" policy when an
outing is taking place involving the public, and obviously when such
outings might take place in protected parks, etc.  Plus if the group is
trying to enjoy (and maybe photograph) something of interest, you don't
want someone in the group suddenly grabbing and killing it.

(If you need to know, I am an active collector of both butterflies and


Alan Wormington
Leamington, Ontario

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

On Thu, 10 Sep 2009 20:10:49 -0700 Paul Cherubini <monarch at>
> Used to be that Moth collectors, unlike Butterfly
> collectors, could freely and openly collect 
> without some people protesting their activities
> as "barbaric", etc.   But that may be changing
> in politically liberal regions as evidenced by the fact 
> the Toronto Entomologists Association already 
> has a Catch & Release policy in regard to moths.
> ==================================
> [DPLEX-L:37291] Re: glassine envelopes
> Thursday, September 10, 2009 7:15 PM
> From: "Carolyn King" <cking at>
> To: dplex-l at
> I think the glassine envelopes are sold because they
> are considered the best thing to hold dead specimens.
> I don't think that entomology companies expect 
> anyone to store live specimens.  Traditionally, 
> entomologists killed everything.  On the first Moth 
> Night I went to (many years ago), all the moths 
> were killed and laid out to be identified.  I was 
> shocked.  Today our Moth Nights are strictly 
> catch-and-release.
> Carolyn King 
> Toronto Entomologists' Association
>  ------------------------------------------------------------ 
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              --- Alan Wormington

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