Moth Collecting May Soon Be Frowned Upon

Mexicodoug mexicodoug at
Fri Sep 11 01:10:01 EDT 2009

Quoting: ...which is derived (in part) from a similar one created by 
the "Committee on Collecting policy of the Lepidopterists' Society in 
the USA"...

Hello Alan,

Tiptoeing around those making an issue of collecting vs. no-collecting, 
and noting that the Lep Soc's statement was released in Houston, I just 
wanted to post this regarding the Lepidopterists' Society for those who 
are unfamiliar with it as a worldwide union of anyone pursuing there 
varied interests in Leps, and note that one committee member 
responsible for that statement was: Dr. J. Donald Lafontaine of the 
Canadian National Collection, and the first president of the Lep Soc 
actually founded the CNC in its current form, from what I understand 
(forgive my ignorance). Just in case anyone might misread your comment 
to suggest that the Lep Soc catered to only the USA - those of us who 
have been members outside the US borders consider it just as much ours 
and it is a wonderful organization since its inception and through all 
of its delightful quirks.

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