Arizona Lep course: Still openings!

Bruce Walsh jbwalsh at
Wed Apr 28 17:41:39 EDT 2010


There are still a few openings for the week-long Lep course this August (7-14)
at the SW Research Station in Portal Arizona, in the heart of the Chirichahua

course website:

Application form for 2010 course can be found on the website.  It is due by 7
June 2010. Final notification will occur by 21 June.

Tuition for the course is $900 for students and $1000 for non-students


Held at the SouthWest Research Station (SWRS) in the Chirichahua Mountains in SE
Arizona (a 2 1/2 hour drive from Tucson), the focus of the lep course is to
train graduate students, post-docs, faculty, and serious citizen-scientists in
the classification and identification of adult lepidoptera and their larvae.

Topics to be covered include an extensive introduction into adult and larval
morphology with a focus on taxonomically-important traits, extensive field work
on both adults and larvae, collecting and curatoral techniques, genitalic
dissection and preparation, larval classification, use (and abuse) of DNA bar
coding, and general issues in lepidoptera systematics, ecology, and evolution.


With its extensive series of Sky-Island mountain ranges, SE Arizona has the
highest lepidoptera diversity in the US. With low desert scrub, oak and mixed
oak-pine woodland, lush riparian, juniper, Douglas fir, and mountain meadow
habitats all within a 40 minute drive from the station, the SWRS is an ideal
location from which to sample this diversity (of both habitats and species).


Jim Brock, Tucson
Dr. John Brown, USDA and the Smithsonian Museum
P. D. Hulce, SW Research Station
Dr. Jim Miller, American Museum of Natural History
Professor Ray Nagle, University of Arizona
Dr. Chris Schmidt, Canadian National Collection
Professor Bruce Walsh, University of Arizona
Professor Ian Watkinson, Arizona Western College/Northern Arizona University


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