FW: OTS course Tropical Butterfly Ecology 14-28 May 2010
Wagner, David
david.wagner at uconn.edu
Fri Feb 12 10:40:54 EST 2010
From: Barbara E. Lewis [mailto:barbara.lewis at ots.ac.cr]
Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2010 6:08 PM
To: Wagner, David; Colwell, Robert
Subject: OTS course Tropical Butterfly Ecology 14-28 May 2010
Dear OTS delegates, colleagues and graduate students,
Below is a brief description of an upcoming graduate-level specialty course, Tropical Butterfly Ecology, that may be of interest to students in various departments at your institution. Attached is a course flyer and an application form. Your circulation/posting of this material on your campus would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks!
Tropical Butterfly Ecology
This 2-week course is for advanced graduate students interested in conducting tropical field studies on butterflies. The course will focus on the Costa Rican Atlantic rainforest fauna, and include work at the La Selva Biological Station and the Tirimbina Biological Reserve - both sites share a diverse assemblage of Neotropical butterflies, including many species that extend well into South America.
The major thrust of this course will be natural history and identification of butterfly adults and early stages. We will focus on behavior, diversity, ecological and evolutionary patterns, symbiotic associations, ecophysiology, quantitative sampling techniques, experimental design, and as well, the pleasures of conducting research on tropical insects.
The course combines lectures, hands-on field exploration, and major efforts on the part of students to understand and apply quantitative observational and sampling procedures in the field. The course will stress developing rigorous natural history questions from field observations.
Faculty: Dr. Phil DeVries, University of New Orleans
Dr. Bruce Walsh, University of Arizona
Guest faculty:
Isidro Chacon, Costa Rica National Museum and
National Biodiversity Institute (INBIO)
Dates: May 14-28, 2010
Application Deadline: February 16, 2010 for priority admission followed by open enrollment until filled.
Tuition: OTS consortium applicants - $2,000; non-member applicants $2,500
Partial need-based scholarships are available; priority given to OTS consortium and Latin American applicants.
Students: graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and other interested professionals
For More information: consult the OTS website at www.ots.duke.edu<http://www.ots.duke.edu> or contact barbara.lewis at ots.ac.cr<mailto:barbara.lewis at ots.ac.cr>
Barbara E. Lewis
Graduate Education Coordinator
Organization for Tropical Studies
Apartado 676-2050 San Pedro
San José, Costa Rica
Tel: (011 506) 2524-0607 ext 1510
Fax: (011 506) 2524-0608
E-mail: barbara.lewis at ots.ac.cr
Skype: blewis_otscro
Website: www.ots.ac.cr
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