Red Admiral Invasion Year in Great Lake States?

drdn at drdn at
Wed May 12 02:36:15 EDT 2010

Expect a lot of Red Admirals this year as they are swarming in Central  
Texas. I have not (since 1968) seen them this abundant here. Larvae  
have been feeding on Pellitory which had a bumper crop after the wet  
........Chris Durden

Quoting Roger Kuhlman <rkuhlman at>:

> I was wondering if other people in the Great Lake States region are   
> noticing a much larger than normal influx of Red Admirals (Vanessa   
> atalanta) this year. Since April 30 when good numbers of Red   
> Admirals ( 30 to 40 at single sites) were first reported in both   
> Northwest Monroe County and Southwest Washtenaw County of Southeast   
> Michigan, Red Admiral migrants seem to be everywhere. So far they   
> have not reached the highest levels of the last Vanessa invasion   
> year of 2001 or have been accompanied by major influxes of sister   
> Vanessa species American Painted Lady (V. virginensis) and Painted   
> Lady (V. cardui) but the season is young.
> Roger Kuhlman
> Greater Washtenaw Butterfly Survey
> Ann Arbor, Michigan
> 5/11/2010
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