May 2010 Archives by subject
Starting: Sun May 2 01:16:51 EDT 2010
Ending: Wed May 26 11:30:21 EDT 2010
Messages: 24
- butterfly conference abstract deadline May 17th
Felix Sperling
- DesertLeps
Stan Gorodenski
- Fwd: Mimic (Hypolimnas misippus) on Fort Hood, Coryell Co., Texas
Mike Quinn
- Fwd: Palaeophobetron [= Epiperola] perornata - CenTex Apr 28, 2010
Bruce Walsh
- Fwd: Palaeophobetron [= Epiperola] perornata - CenTex Apr 28, 2010
Mike Quinn
- Lepsoc 2010: Deadline for submitted papers is May 28
David James
- LepSoc2010: Register Now!
David James
- Mimic (Hypolimnas misippus) on Fort Hood, Coryell Co., Texas
Richard Worth
- Mimic (Hypolimnas misippus) on Fort Hood, Coryell Co., Texas
Grkovich, Alex
- Mimic (Hypolimnas misippus) on Fort Hood, Coryell Co., Texas
Mike Quinn
- Mimic (Hypolimnas misippus) on Fort Hood, Coryell Co., Texas
Roger Kuhlman
- Opler and Powell book images now available
Felix Sperling
- Powell and Opler book Images now available
Felix Sperling
- Red Admiral Invasion Year in Great Lake States?
Roger Kuhlman
- Red Admiral Invasion Year in Great Lake States?
Paul Cherubini
- Red Admiral Invasion Year in Great Lake States?
Gary Sibio
- Red Admiral Invasion Year in Great Lake States?
Sheri Moreau
- Red Admiral Invasion Year in Great Lake States?
Jonathan Sylvestre
- Red Admiral Invasion Year in Great Lake States?
drdn at
- Red Admiral Invasion Year in Great Lake States?
James McDermott
- Red Admiral Invasion Year in Great Lakes States
Bitzer, Royce J [ENT]
- Relaxing and setting hesperiidae specimens
Andrew Torry
- Relaxing and setting hesperiidae specimens
Bruce Walsh
- Relaxing and setting hesperiidae specimens
Grkovich, Alex
Last message date:
Wed May 26 11:30:21 EDT 2010
Archived on: Mon May 7 01:28:02 EDT 2012
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