Mimic (Hypolimnas misippus) on Fort Hood, Coryell Co., Texas

Mike Quinn entomike at gmail.com
Tue May 18 13:01:36 EDT 2010

Prior Texas record collected in 2001 at the Sabal Palm Grove, Brownsville,
Cameron Co., Texas. This site is now walled off by the border fence...

Bordelon, C. & E. Knudson. 2002. The Mimic, *Hypolimnas misippus* (L.), in
Texas. News of the Lepidopterists' Society 44(1): 25, 30.

Mike Quinn, Austin
Texas Entomology

On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 11:50 AM, Grkovich, Alex <agrkovich at tmpeng.com>wrote:

>  *Richard,*
> **
> *Charles Bordelon took a male in S Texas a couple years ago...*
> **
> *Alex*
>  ------------------------------
> *From:* owner-leps-l at lists.yale.edu [mailto:owner-leps-l at lists.yale.edu] *On
> Behalf Of *Richard Worth
> *Sent:* Tuesday, May 18, 2010 11:51 AM
> *To:* entomike at gmail.com
> *Cc:* Leps-L
> *Subject:* Re: Mimic (Hypolimnas misippus) on Fort Hood, Coryell Co.,
> Texas
>  Rich via Mike and others,
> Not sure about TX records.  I have heard about various Florida accounts and
> myself, saw a male mimic sitting on the sand at the water line near Miami
> Beach in the summer, either in 1976 or 1981, my memory fails me and didn't
> collect it for lack of a net!   Unmistakable indeed, especially when, like
> in other species, the light hits the UV patch areas just right and they glow
> purple.  This vision is indelibly burned into my brain.  Have heard these
> can ride the air currents from Africa. TX is even farther west so I would
> think "blown" specimens would be even more rare.
> All the best,  Richard
>     Richard Worth
> Entomologist / Lepidopterist
> Plant Division
> Oregon Dept. of Agriculture
> 635 Capitol St. NE
> Salem, OR  97301
> 503-986-6461
> 503-871-7108: cell
> rworth at oda.state.or.us
> http://www.oregon.gov/ODA/index.shtml
>  So many moths, so little time...
>  On May 17, 2010, at 7:44 AM, Mike Quinn wrote:
> FYI, Mike Quinn, Austin
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Rich Kostecke <rkost73 at yahoo.com>
> Date: Mon, May 17, 2010 at 9:18 AM
> Subject: Re: Mimic (Hypolimnas misippus) on Fort Hood, Coryell Co.
> To: TX-BUTTERFLY at listserv.uh.edu
> I have posted a pic of the Mimic on my Flickr account
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/kostecke/4615563222/.  Not necessarily
> the most artistic shot, but good enough for ID purposes.  Certainly looks
> like a male Mimic to me.  Congrats to David Cimprich for recognizing that it
> was something really different and unusual and for getting at least a few
> pics for documentation.
> Rich
> Richard Kostecke, Ph.D.
> The Nature Conservancy
> P.O. Box 5190, Fort Hood, Texas 76544-0190
> Phone:  254-288-2088  Fax: 254-288-5039
> E-mail: rkost73 at yahoo.com or rkostecke at tnc.org
>  ----- Original Message ----
> From: Rich Kostecke <rkost73 at yahoo.com>
>  To: TX-butterfly <tx-butterfly at listserv.uh.edu>
> Sent: Sat, May 15, 2010 6:34:37 PM
> Subject: Mimic (Hypolimnas misippus) on Fort Hood, Coryell Co.
>   I received a call from a colleague, David Cimprich,  to report that he
> observed and photographed what appears to be a male Mimic (Hypolimnas
> misippus) on Fort Hood (Coryell Co.) this afternoon.  I don't have access to
> the pictures yet, but should by early next week.  Anyway, this seems like a
> pretty obvious and unmistakable butterfly, but are there any other
> possibilities that need to be considered?  He said it was about the size of
> a Gulf Fritillary more or less.
> It looks like TX has at least one other record of this species from the
> Lower Rio Grande Valley (Cameron Co.), or are there others?
> I assume this individual would be a vagrant from the Caribbean?  Or, is
> this a species that gets captive-bred and released much?
> Thanks,
> Rich
> Richard Kostecke, Ph.D.
> The Nature Conservancy
> P.O. Box 5190, Fort Hood, Texas 76544-0190
> Phone:  254-288-2088  Fax: 254-288-5039
> E-mail: rkost73 at yahoo.com or rkostecke at tnc.org
> ==================================
>  TX-BUTTERFLY archives:
> <http://listserv.uh.edu/archives/tx-butterfly.html>
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