Drooping wings after spreading

Grkovich, Alex agrkovich at tmpeng.com
Fri Nov 5 11:22:16 EDT 2010

I use boards with only 5 degrees; to me, 10 degrees is excessive...I have very infrequently had this problem, and I think only on Duskywings and Roadside Skippers...I do not dry them in the oven; I let them dry over a period of 2 to 3 weeks over light heat (dehumidifier heat)...


From: owner-leps-l at lists.yale.edu [mailto:owner-leps-l at lists.yale.edu] On Behalf Of Hugh McGuinness
Sent: Friday, November 05, 2010 10:12 AM
To: jbwalsh at u.arizona.edu
Cc: DesertLeps at yahoogroups.com; Leps-l; SoWestLep at yahoogroups.com; TILS-leps-talk at yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: Drooping wings after spreading

Dear Leppers,

I too would like information on this subject, as I have the same problem. I concur with Bruce that small material is especially prone to wing droop. Perhaps one solution is to spread material on boards that are angled upward from the body by 5-10 degrees. However, I use pinning blocks and worry that with inclined blocks (if I could even find someone to make them) the threads would tend to wander to the body and sever the wings.

And Bruce, if you get any helpful answers from all the listservs where I am not a member, would you mind posting a summary to Leps-L?


On Thu, Nov 4, 2010 at 9:56 PM, Bruce Walsh <jbwalsh at u.arizona.edu<mailto:jbwalsh at u.arizona.edu>> wrote:
Fellow Lepsters:

I'm having a recurring problem that I welcome input on.  After I remove spread
material from their blocks, the wings are nice and level, but within a few days
they often droop download.  This is esp. problematic for small material.
Two potential culprits can likely be removed:  One, I dry material in an oven at
150 degrees, typically (for small things) for around 3-4 hours.  However, when I
up this to 24 hours the problem still persists!

Second, I live in Tucson, and so excessive humidity is not a problem (esp. in my
dry bug room)

Any hints?




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Hugh McGuinness
The Ross School
18 Goodfriend Drive
East Hampton, NY 11937

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