Lepidopterists' Meeting 2012 in Denver, registration open

Gall, Lawrence lawrence.gall at yale.edu
Thu Dec 8 21:35:32 EST 2011

Forwarding this announcement on behalf of the 2012 Lepidopterists’ Society annual meeting committee:
- - -

Lawrence F. Gall, Ph.D.

Head, Computer Systems Office
Informatics Manager, Entomology
Executive Editor, Peabody Publications
Lepidoptera Section Editor, Zootaxa

Peabody Museum of Natural History
P.O. Box 208118, Yale University
New Haven, CT 06520-8118 USA

email: lawrence.gall at yale.edu<mailto:lawrence.gall at yale.edu>
phone: 1-203-432-9892
FAX:  1-203-432-9816


From: "Frank T. Krell" <Frank.Krell at DMNS.ORG<mailto:Frank.Krell at DMNS.ORG>>
To: ECN-L at listserv.unl.edu<mailto:ECN-L at listserv.unl.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, December 7, 2011 11:10:11 PM
Subject: Lepidopterists' Meeting 2012 in Denver, registration open

The combined 2012 Annual Meeting of the Lepidopterists' Society and the Societas Europaea Lepidopterologica will take place at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science from 23 to 29 July 2012. We offer an exciting setting at the foot of the Rocky Mountains in a museum with great exhibits, access to the research collection, 21 field trips (19 of them free of charge), moderately priced accomodation, great food and interesting events.



A slide show with the meeting schedule and pictures of the venue can be found at

This information will be regularly updated and soon be available on the Lepidopterist's Society webpage also (http://www.lepsoc.org/2012_meeting.php ).

Currently the following symposia are planned:
Digital imaging
Trans-Beringian connections in Noctuidea
Lepidoptera - plant interactions
New developments in zoological nomenclature

Please send your suggested talk and poster titles (and abstracts when available) to the program chair, Todd Gilligan, at tgilliga at gmail.com<mailto:tgilliga at gmail.com>  AND copy to lepidopterist at dmns.org<mailto:lepidopterist at dmns.org>

See you in Denver in July!

Frank Krell,
for the Organizing Committee

Dr. Frank-T. Krell
Curator of Entomology
Commissioner, International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature
Chair, ICZN ZooBank Committee
Department of Zoology
Denver Museum of Nature & Science
2001 Colorado Boulevard
Denver, CO 80205-5798 USA
Frank.Krell at dmns.org<mailto:Frank.Krell at dmns.org>
Phone: (+1) (303) 370-8244
Fax: (+1) (303) 331-6492
lab page: http://www.dmns.org/krell-lab

The Denver Museum of Nature & Science aspires to create a community of critical thinkers who understand the lessons of the past and act as responsible stewards of the future.
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