
Neil Jones neil at nwjones.demon.co.uk
Fri Feb 18 06:14:44 EST 2011

On 18/02/2011 05:27, JPPelham wrote:
> Hey Prez! (John Shuey),
> If facts were important here..., well they are not.  You must know that mis- or disinformation prevails when opposed to concrete fact or something resembling actual thinking.  The latter is way too hard!
> I mean, the exec at xerces society '...most enjoys spending time in the wild with his children River, Emmett, and Theo, and his wife Cat.'  How awful!  How could he!  What IS he thinking?  With the family?  Gazooks!
> J.P.Pelham
Oh these evil scientists!Getting jobs that pay to preserve the 
environment and enjoying family life. Must be just as evil as the 
psychiatrist Paul Cherubini said called him "paranoid".  Preserving the 
environment! How evil!

You will repeatedly get poor information from Cherubini. My advice is if 
he tells you the pope is a catholic get a second opinion!
Unless that is you are in the business of buying riverside real estate 
in Brooklyn.

Neil Jones
neil at nwjones.demon.co.uk


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