$0 funding for State Wildlife Grants proposed in FY '11 Continuing Resolution
Ken Strothkamp
kgs at lclark.edu
Mon Feb 21 17:28:16 EST 2011
I was not talking about American overpopulation but global
overpopulation. Most major environmental problems are global in scope.
The provincial nature of your question is disturbing. If the population
of the US were to be indefinitely stable at 1965 levels and the world
population were to increase at the present rate, we, and everyone else,
would be doomed. We need to think beyond our own borders. The 19th
century idea that we can hide behind our oceans doesn't work and hasn't
for about a century now.
Your personal pet peeve may be illegal immigration but that doesn't make
it the root cause of all the world's problems and demonizing Democrats
isn't going to be the answer either.
On 2/21/2011 10:53 AM, Roger Kuhlman wrote:
> What does illegal immigration have to do with American overpopulation? Illegal immigration is one of the main reasons why the American human population is growing so quickly. It is a pretty well known demographic fact that if illegal immigration and legal immigration had remained at pre-1965 levels [immigration law was greatly expanded that year by a Democratic Congress and President], the American population would now be converging on population stability in the area of 240 to 250 million people. If that had happened, America's native ecosystems and natural habitats would have been in far better shape today than they are.
> Roger
> ________________________________
>> What in the world does illegal immigration have to do with
>> overpopulation? What will eventually destroy the planet is too many
>> people, regardless of what country they are living in!
>> Perhaps we should stick to butterflies.
>> Ken
>> On 02/19/11, Roger Kuhlman wrote:
>> Well what is their position of stopping illegal immigration, amnesty
>> for illegal aliens, and reducing the excessively high levels of legal
>> immigration. Just saying you are concerned about population growth but
>> not be willing to take any concrete, effective steps to first slow,
>> then stop and finally reduce population levels by natural means to
>> long-term ecologically sustainable levels is nothing but an empty
>> gesture.
>> Roger
>>> Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2011 14:27:23 -0800
>>> From: kgs at lclark.edu
>>> To: neil at nwjones.demon.co.uk
>>> CC: leps-l at lists.yale.edu
>>> Subject: Re: $0 funding for State Wildlife Grants proposed in FY '11
>> Continuing Resolution
>>> One of my favorite environmental groups is the Center for Biological
>>> Diversity, and they are anything but silent on overpopulation. check out
>>> their website (and condom program!).
>>> Ken Strothkamp
>>> On 2/17/2011 1:42 PM, Neil Jones wrote:
>>>> On 17/02/2011 21:18, Roger Kuhlman wrote:
>>>>> Why is it that only now that Obama wants to fully fund the Land and
>>>>> Water Conservation Fund? Something is fishy here methinks.
>>>>> Our country has a major problem with excessive spending and a huge
>>>>> national debt. The US can't keep on borrowing and spending. It has
>>>>> got to stop since this practice is unsustainable. Frightening facts:
>>>>> over $14 trillion of accumulated federal debt, $1.6 trillion federal
>>>>> deficit for FY2011, expected federal deficits of $1 trillion for the
>>>>> next few years, Unfunded liabilities for Social Security, Medicare,
>>>>> and government pensions $60+ trillion, unknown huge additional
>>>>> liabilities for Medicaid and Obama's new healthcare entitlements.
>>>>> I would like to know why concerned, major environmental and
>>>>> conservation organizations are not pushing to stop human population
>>>>> growth in America. Human overpopulation is one of the two most
>>>>> powerful drivers of environmental problems but these groups are
>>>>> virtually silent on the issue.
>>>>> Roger
>>>> It is not the size of the population that is so much the problem but
>>>> the consumption per head of population. If everyone on Earth consumed
>>>> like
>>>> the Americans it would take seven Earths to supply the resources.
>>>> Clearly it isn't sustainable.
>>>> Neil Jones
>>>> neil at nwjones.demon.co.uk
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