IUCN/SSC Butterfly Specialist Group Survey: problems with the link

Matthew Shepherd mdshepherd at xerces.org
Thu Mar 3 15:36:47 EST 2011


For those of you who received the email pertaining to the IUCN/SSC Butterfly
Specialist Group status assessment survey, you may have encountered the
following message after accessing the survey directly from the email: *“We're
sorry. You have already taken this survey”.*  This seems to be an issue with
the software used to create and send out the original email, and occurs when
the original email is forwarded.

*However, the link in the email still works. In order to complete the
survey, copy and paste the URL into your web browser:*



We apologize for the inconvenience and hope that it will not prevent you
from filling out the survey. *Thank you for your participation in the survey
and for forwarding this link and information on to others interested in
participating in the survey*.  Please use the email below to pass this
information and link to others interested in participating in the survey.

Thank You,

Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation


Greetings partners in butterfly conservation,

In fall of 2010, The International Union for Conservation of Nature (*IUCN*)
Species Survival Commission (*SSC*) re-formed its* Butterfly Specialist
Group* and named Scott Hoffman Black, executive director of the Xerces
Society for Invertebrate Conservation, as the group’s chair. In this
capacity, Scott will work to bring together scientists and conservationists
to facilitate butterfly conservation action and influence policy worldwide.

In anticipation of this task, we have prepared a short on-line survey with
the aim of identifying current butterfly conservation projects, priorities,
and needs, and the individuals and organizations engaged in these efforts.
The results of this survey will be used to create an action plan to
prioritize individual species status assessments, surveys, and direct
conservation action.

We'd appreciate your help in better understanding what's being done and who
is engaged in butterfly conservation across the world. *Please complete this
brief survey—it should take less than 10 minutes to complete*. Any
information you can give will be of great benefit to the work of the
Butterfly Specialist Group. We hope to get this survey out as broadly as
possible. To help us do this, once you have filled out the survey, *please
forward this information and the link to the survey*:   *
http://survey.constantcontact.com/survey/a07e39t3abkgiro65gp/start* to
others whose work or experience may be applicable to this specialist group.
*Copy and paste the above URL into your web browser to access the survey*.
We are especially interested in gathering information about butterfly
conservation efforts in areas outside North America and Western Europe, as
the initial aim of this Group is to prioritize work in countries and regions
generally underserved by butterfly conservation organizations.

The survey is in English. If this is not your first language, we hope that
you will still be able to read and complete the survey and that language
will not be a barrier to your participation. Unfortunately, the Specialist
Group doesn’t currently have the capacity to present and analyze the survey
in other languages.

Thank you for your help in making the Butterfly Specialist Group a success.


Scott Hoffman Black

Executive Director – The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation

Chair – IUCN SSC Butterfly Specialist Group
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