seeking Euphydryas phaeton population localities
Thu May 19 12:15:43 EDT 2011
In the Pacific Northwest, Euphydryas editha taylori also utilizes
Plantago lanceolata. I can dig out some details if anyone is
John Fleckenstein, zoologist
Natural Heritage Program
Department of Natural Resources
(360) 902-1674
John.Fleckenstein at
From: owner-leps-l at [mailto:owner-leps-l at]
On Behalf Of M Deane Bowers
Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2011 1:24 PM
To: leps-l at; ctleps-l at;
deane.bowers at Colorado.EDU
Subject: seeking Euphydryas phaeton population localities
Hello fellow lepidopterists,
I am continuing some long-term research on Euphydryas phaeton with a
special interest in the host shift to the introduced weed, Plantago
lanceolata (ribwort plantain). I am in search of locality information
of populations of this butterfly in both the native host (Chelone
glabra, Turtlehead) and the introduced host. I am here on the east
coast this year on sabbatical and so would like to visit some of these
populations to gather locality data, document host plant use, and if
possible, collect a specimen or two (larvae or adults) for chemical and
molecular analysis.
I would greatly appreciate any information about existing or potential
E. phaeton populations from throughout the east. I would like to visit
some of them this summer.
Some background:
In 1979, Stamp reported the first case of oviposition by E. phaeton on
Plantago and since then populations of this butterfly on this introduced
plant have been found in many places. While populations on the native
host plant are usually relatively small, populations on the introduced
host plant can become quite large but also ephemeral.
This summer, I would like to document as many populations as I can and
locate a select few where I can do some field experiments next summer.
If you know of any populations on either of these (or other!) host
plants, and are willing to share that information, I would greatly
appreciate your help.
Please contact me by phone (303) 886-7586 or email with any information.
Thank you so much in advance!
Deane Bowers
Deane Bowers
Curator and Professor
Sabbatical address (August, 2010 - July 2011):
Department of Ecology and Evolution
Box G-W
Brown University
Providence, RI 02912
phone: (303) 886-7586 (cell)
Permanent address:
Museum and Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
UCB 334
University of Colorado
Boulder, CO 80309 USA
phone: (303) 492-5530
Fax: (303) 492-8699
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