[Leps-l] Garwood and Lehman, Butterflies of Central America Vol. 2 Released

Hank Brodkin hbrodkin at cox.net
Wed Jun 20 11:14:05 EDT 2012

I just received my copy of Butterflies of Central America Volume 2.  This Volume covers coppers, blues, hairstreaks and metalmarks with some 1731 mostly very good photos in situ and from collections.  These photos were contributed by more than 80 photographers, most of whom are on these mail lists and identification of the species were aided by the generous contributions  of some of the top experts in the field of diurnal lepidoptera.  Besides D’abrera’s volumes I know of no other book that has as many identified images of hairstreaks and metalmarks.
Kim Garwood has literally devoted her life to the preparation of these guides, probably spending more time in the neotropics than at home in Mission, Texas.  Those of us who have been fortunate to spend time with Kim photographing butterflies in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, as well as Mexico and Central America can testify to her drive and scholarly approach to these projects.
This book and Kim’s other volumes on Central America, Southern Amazonas, northeastern Mexico, as well as those still in prep on Atlantic Brazil and the Andes, can be obtained from Kim’s and Richard Lehman’s  web site: www.neotropicalbutterflies.com . 

Hank Brodkin 
Carr Canyon, Cochise County, AZ
31°26’59.8”N 110°16’02.8”W
hbrodkin at cox.net
"Butterflies of Arizona - a Photographic Guide"
"Finding Butterflies in Arizona - a Guide to the Best Sites"
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