[Leps-l] Why Duplicate Messages

Stan Gorodenski stanlep at commspeed.net
Fri Feb 15 19:37:08 EST 2013

It is welcomed to see some activity on this list. Years ago this list 
was Very active, but now hardly anything. It predated Leps-Talk, 
DesertLeps, and maybe even SoWestLeps but for some unknown reason to me, 
it has almost become dead. So keep the email messages coming and the 
discussions going!!!

One question I have is, Does everyone get duplicate messages? When the 
discussion group was transferred to another server, or whatever the 
correct terminology is, that is when I started getting duplicates of 
every single message. Can this be corrected? Maybe I am signed up under 
two email addresses, but one of them should be inactive if I am.

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