[Leps-l] [leps-talk] Monarch Armageddon

Jim Wiker papaipema at aol.com
Sat Feb 16 11:09:24 EST 2013

In the 1880's they said the same thing about Passenger Pigeons. It has been estimated that they (only 50 years earlier) were in numbers so large that there were as many of them as there were all other birds combined. I will wager green money if we were not here, they still would be. Anyone that believes we cannot possibly cause they extinction of any butterfly is probably never going to be swayed otherwise, I would rather err on the side of caution. And, speaking from one of the most farmed states in the U.S., I can tell you there is quite a drop in weeds of all kinds, nothing but rank grasses grow in our ditches now......nothing, no color at all. If it were not for a few shielded natural areas and the efforts of some diligent individuals to save something, they would have no where or reason to be here (Monarchs). We've lost several species of other butterflies over the last 15 years here in Illinois for "no apparent reason". We need the other forms of life on this planet to survive, nothing needs us. We really should evaluate our perception of self worth as a species, as a whole we are pretty pathetic and of no benefit to the natural world that I can see. Greed, power and money, that's what makes (our perception) of the world go around, and everything else be damned. It is a shame so many things have to suffer to accommodate our convenience and comfort.....and, I am as guilty as anyone else in perpetuating the problems.
Jim Wiker
Greenview, Illinois

PS - I don't want to hear that the analogy about is "different", it's not different at all, if you desire to live with your head in the sand and show your ignorance.....be my guest.

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