[Leps-l] New Regional Monarch Nectar Plant Guides Now Available

Paul Cherubini monarch at saber.net
Thu Dec 8 11:33:52 EST 2016

> Candace Fallon <candace.fallon at xerces.org> wrote:
> Thank you, Roger. I hope the migrant population survives as well! 

We already know the seasonal North American monarch migration is 
not a fragile phenomenon that is vulnerable to extinction if the population
drops below a certain size due to reductions in native milkweed abundance
or from changes in climate or from increased plantings of non-native 
evergreen tropical milkweeds. We know this because in the mid-1800’s
when mere handfuls of North American monarchs, preadapted to North 
American climates and deciduous North American milkweeds, were
inadvertently transported to  Australia and New Zealand on ships, the 
seasonal migration and overwintering phenomenon quickly arose from 
scratch in multiple areas of those countries and the phenomenon was
supported entirely by evergreen tropical milkweeds of African origin. 

Example of migratory monarchs in reproductive diapause overwintering 
in Christchurch, New Zealand: 

And in southeastern Australia: 
https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.fluidr.com_photos_ausee_sets_72157631269381288&d=CwIFaQ&c=-dg2m7zWuuDZ0MUcV7Sdqw&r=tVAKMFPe3UCcsMWUFXo0FeX0xe1JUAj77B74DAI3DKI&m=nLvdW4rba8H5I-L-ysIJRoDOy3AWvwJqLlqDfkiXEnk&s=YN-gCRqu1PmVhXNvTjrgLtAXu8e69H5pYBzx3CxBUik&e=  <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.fluidr.com_photos_ausee_sets_72157631269381288&d=CwIFaQ&c=-dg2m7zWuuDZ0MUcV7Sdqw&r=tVAKMFPe3UCcsMWUFXo0FeX0xe1JUAj77B74DAI3DKI&m=nLvdW4rba8H5I-L-ysIJRoDOy3AWvwJqLlqDfkiXEnk&s=YN-gCRqu1PmVhXNvTjrgLtAXu8e69H5pYBzx3CxBUik&e= >

Paul Cherubini
El Dorado, Calif.
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