[Leps-l] Austin Butterfly Forum Zoom Meeting - Monday, April 26 @ 7 pm (CST)

Mike Quinn entomike at gmail.com
Sat Apr 24 13:34:58 EDT 2021

Greetings Butterfly and Insect Enthusiasts!

Hope everyone is getting out to enjoy the beautiful spring weather as well
as the flora and fauna!

The Austin Butterfly Forum is thrilled to have Betsy Betros speak to us via
Zoom this Monday, April 26 @ 7 pm (CST)

Zoom link to join presentation:

Betsy will speak to us about her most impressive guide to the butterflies
of the butterflies of the Kansas City region and what she's been up to

Betsy Betros. 2008.  A Photographic Field Guide to the Butterflies in the
Kansas City Region. Kansas City Star Books, Kansas City, MO. 407 pp., more
than 1,100 photographs.

Title: Writing a Butterfly Book and then Coping with the Aging Process!

Bio: I Retired after 35 years involved with environmental protection
regulations. Majored in Entomology back in the day at Colorado State
University, but focused on aquatic insects. Decided to start learning
terrestrial insects, and haven’t stopped despite the creaks and groans of

I started the seemingly insane idea of writing a book on the butterflies of
the Kansas City Region when I turned 50 and then 4 years later it was
published. I then embarked upon a journey to study and photograph all the
other bugs and spiders in my area. As arthritis got the better of me, I
have continually modified my approach to bug photography to adapt

Betsy's guide was very warmly reviewed in the Journal of the LepSoc:


The Zoom meeting link is also on our Austin Butterfly Forum
<http://austinbutterflies.org/> website and our Butterfly Forum Facebook
Page <https://www.facebook.com/groups/1126095124154672>.

Please share this invitation with anyone you think might be interested!

To ensure notices of future meetings, please consider joining our club:


Our May 24 Zoom meeting will be ‘Spring’ Show and Tell, patterned after the
successful Show and Tell meeting we have each November.  It's open to all
Austin Butterfly Forum Facebook site participants and club members.

Participants will have 10 minutes or less to share.  This will be a fun and
*informal* chance to let us know about your latest discovery, something
you've learned, or a favorite location for butterflies and moths.  You
might show butterfly and moth images from your garden, or talk about almost
any butterfly-related topics.  For instance, Brian Abel wants to show off
our new Butterfly Forum website.

Please contact the coordinator, Dan Hardy, at dhh787 at yahoo.com before the
24th to arrange a practice run-through of your presentation.  (This will
help minimize any glitches during the meeting.)

Mike Quinn, vp, programs
Austin Butterfly Forum <http://austinbutterflies.org/>
entomike at gmail.com
512-577-0250 - cell

* Please let me know if you do not wish to receive future ABF announcements
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