[Leps-l] Cool Biology in a Hot Place: the Central American Tropics - ABF zoom meeting, Monday, 1/24

Mike Quinn entomike at gmail.com
Mon Jan 24 13:36:29 EST 2022

Hi Folks,

Here the info on tonight's *Austin Butterfly Forum* zoom meeting. All are
welcome to log in.


*January Meeting*

*Monday, January 24th at 7 pm:  Cool Biology in a Hot Place:  the Central
American Tropics.  *

Presented by James Adams, Lepidopterist and Professor of Biology
(1990-present) at Dalton State College, Dalton Georgia.
The talk covers a wide range of topics: what makes the tropics the tropics,
different tropical habitats/biomes, interesting plants and plant-plant
relationships, pollination modalities, various vertebrate animal groups, a
rather long section on insect defenses against predation, insects and what
they eat, insect attraction to lights, and a short section on deforestation
and sustainable practices in the tropicsBio: James was born 1960,
Smithville, Missouri and has three degrees: B.S. (1983), M.Phil. (1987),
Ph.D. (1990), all from Univ. of Kansas. James is a specialist in “Macro”
lepidoptera (esp. Noctuoidea), of Georgia and Kansas and has amassed a
collection of 60,000+ prepared specimens. He has published on the butterfly
biodiversity on Sapelo Island, a barrier island of Georgia and
co-authored the description of a new species of moth from there as well as
a new moth species from northern Arizona and southeastern Utah. He is a
co-author of a chapter on Superfamily Zygaenoidea in Moths of Western North
America (2009)

Join this monthly Zoom Meeting via your ZOOM app.  (Be sure you have the
latest version of the Zoom app.)  (The following is the permanent ID for
this and all future meetings.)

*Join Zoom Meeting*

Meeting ID: 864 2600 6695


Mike Quinn, vp, programs
Austin Butterfly Forum - http://austinbutterflies.org - link to zoom
meeting posted here
512-577-0250 - voice/text - contact me if you can't get into the meeting
entomike at gmail.com
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