[Leps-l] QAnon Conspiracy Theorists Force Butterfly Sanctuary to Shut Down

Anne Kilmer viceroy at bellsouth.net
Sat Jan 29 12:46:49 EST 2022

I always knew there was something evil about those butterfly people. 
Glad you’re still kicking, Neil. 
I am nearly as extinct as the Miami Blue, and have moved on. 
The National Butterfly Center along the Texas-Mexico border is shutting down for 3 days, citing threats and a nearby MAGA rally (msn.com) Here’s MSN’s take. 
Ah yes, I remember those sex orgies in the woods and fields, the butterflies gathering about us, shocked. 

Sent from Mail for Windows

From: Neil Jones
Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2022 11:25 AM
To: leps-l at mailman.yale.edu
Subject: [Leps-l] QAnon Conspiracy Theorists Force Butterfly Sanctuary to Shut Down

Oh my goodness me there are some crazy and stupid people around. This 
story is one of the weirdest I've heard, but its true!

It is a butterfly sanctuary for goodness sake!

"Far-right conspiracy theories have latched onto baseless claims that 
major Texas butterfly sanctuary is a hub for sex trafficking, leading to 
real-world threats against the sanctuary’s staff. On Thursday, the 
National Butterfly Center in Mission, Texas, sent out"


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