[Leps-l] Odd leaf miner

Noort, dr. ir. T.H. van (Tom) T.H.vanNoort at nvwa.nl
Fri Sep 1 06:34:27 EDT 2023

Dear Thomas,

I just came across an very old post of yours and wondered whether you ever got a reply/an answer by anyone? I am diagnostician at the Plant Protection Organisation of the Netherlands and one of our phytosanitary inspectors found Bucida buceras with exactly the same zig-zag pattern as you describe.

Does anyone know which leaf miner (I assume Gracillariidae) makes a dark zig-zag pattern on leaves of black olive (Bucida buceras).  These were seen on plants from south Florida.  Any information on these would be greatly appreciated.  TIA.


Kind regards,

Tom van Noort.

Tom H. van Noort, PhD
Scientific collaborator NRL Entomology of NPPO-NL

Netherlands Institute for Vectors, Invasive plants and Plant health (NIVIP)
Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority
Postbox 9102 | 6700 HC | Wageningen | The Netherlands


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t.h.vannoort at nvwa.nl<mailto:t.h.vannoort at nvwa.nl>

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