[Mendele] MENDELE Personal Notices and Announcements--Boris Sandler in Israel

Victor Bers victor.bers at yale.edu
Sat Nov 29 22:33:37 EST 2008

MENDELE Yiddish Language and Literature

Personal Notices and Announcements

Nov. 29, 2008

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From: Bella< forverts at gmail.com> <mailto:forverts at gmail.com>
Subject: Boris Sander in Yisroel
Date:11/27/2008 5:27 AM

Mit literarishe oventn vegn zayn ersht-dershinenem bukh "Royte 
Shikhelekh far Reytshl" kumt kayn Yisruel der shrayber un hoypt-redaktor 
fun "Forverts", Boris Sandler.

Di bagegenishn veln forkumen:

Zuntik, 30-tn November, 16:00, Yiddish Klub, Goldenberg 6, Rehovot

Montik, 1-tn Dezember, 17:00 Yiddisher Kultur-Geselshaft, Sholem 
Aleikhem 10, Yerushalaim

Mitvokh, 3-tn Dezember, 11:30, Yiddisher Shrayber Farayn, Beit Sholem 
Aleikhem, Yiddishpiel Teater, in Artur Zygelboim Zal in Arbeter-ring, 
Kalisher 48, Tel Aviv

Donershtik, 4-tn Dezember, 20:00, Yung Yiddish, Yirmiyahu 52, Romema, 

In der program vetmen hern verk fun Boris Sandlern, vi oykh farshidene 

Nokh met informatsie, klingt: 0544474199 Bella
forverts at gmail.com <mailto:forverts at gmail.com>


Boris Sandler, author and Chief Editor of the Yiddish "Forverts" will be 
visiting Israel coinciding with the launch of his newly published book, 
""Royte Shikhelekh far Reytshl", at the following venues:

Sunday, Novemebr 30th, 4:00 P.M., Yiddish Club, 5 Goldenberg street, 

Monday, December 1st, 5:00 P.M., Yiddish Culture Association, 10 Sholem 
Aleichem st., Jerusalem

Wednesday, December 3rd, 11:30 A.M., Assoc. of Yiddish Writers in 
Israel, Beit Sholem Aleichem, Yiddishpiel Theater at Arthur Cygelboym 
Hall at Brith Haavoda, 48 Kalisher Street, Tel Aviv.

Thursday, December 4th, 8:00 P.M., Yung-Yiddish, 52 Yirmiyahu Street, 
Romema, Jerusalem.

The program consists of Boris Sandler reading fragments from his work, 
as well as appearances of various artists. Join us in welcoming our 
distinguished guest.

For additional information: call Bella at Forverts Israel 0544474199
forverts at gmail.com <mailto:forverts at gmail.com>

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    victor.bers at yale.edu (in the subject line write Mendele Personal)

 Material for postings to Mendele Yiddish literature and language, i.e. 
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     mendele at mailman.yale.edu

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