[Mendele] Mendele Personal Notices & Announcements--Translation from Yiddish

Victor Bers victor.bers at yale.edu
Thu Sep 11 22:20:35 EDT 2008

MENDELE Yiddish Language and Literature
Personal Notices and Announcements

Sept. 11, 2008

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Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2008 20:54:49 -0400
From: Mark Chaitowitz <mark.chaitowitz at gmail.com>
Subject: Translation from Yiddish

An acquaintance is in possession of a Yiddish booklet which she wishes to 
have professionally translated into English. The book, entitled: " Di 
tzvay vegn" and subtitled " Di rikhtige veg, ophandlungen fun M Z Shapira" 
was published in 1919 in New York. It appears to be a 
theological-philosophical polemic against assimilation. It's about 100 
pages long.

I would be grateful to hear from anyone who is qualified and interested in
this task.

Thank you
Mark Chaitowitz

mark.chaitowitz at gmail.com

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    victor.bers at yale.edu (in the subject line write Mendele Personal)

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