[Mendele] Mendele Personal Notices & Announcements--new publication, *Arguing the Jewish Canon"

Victor Bers victor.bers at yale.edu
Mon Feb 16 10:13:29 EST 2009

MENDELE Yiddish Language and Literature

Personal Notices and Announcements

Feb. 16, 2009

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Announcing the publication of 

Arguing the Modern Jewish Canon: Essays on Literature and Culture in Honor of Ruth R. Wisse, ed. Justin Cammy, Dara Horn, Alyssa Quint, Rachel Rubinstein. (Harvard University Center for Jewish Studies and Harvard University Press, 2008).


This volume, celebrating the scholarship of one of our leading teachers of Yiddish literature, features more than thirty essays on modern Jewish literature. 

Readers of Mendele will be especially interested in its contributions to the field of Yiddish literature, which include: 


Dan Miron on Sholem Aleichem's "A Nisref"

Justin Cammy on Sholem Aleichem's The Judgment of Shomer (including the first-ever annotated translation into English of this early example of Yiddish literary criticism)

Marc Caplan on Abramovitsh's Di Klyatshe

Avraham Novershtern on Yankev Glatshteyn's Ven Yash iz gekumen

Dovid Roskies on Bashevis Singer's Gimpel Tam

Miriam Udel-Lambert on Bashevis Singer's seductions and disputations

Susanne Klingenstein on Bashevis Singer's short story "Androgynous"

Ken Frieden on Yiddish, Hasidic Hebrew, and translation

Marion  Aptroot on the first modern Yiddish comedy

Jeremy Dauber on Comedy and Yiddish drama

Alyssa Quint on Goldfaden's The Fanatic or the Two Kuni-Lemls

Jed Wyrick on Yiddish canon consciousness and music

Rachel Rubinstein on James Joyce and Yiddish

Janet Hadda on Anger in the Jewish poetic canon

Mikhail Krutikov on Meir Viner's historical fiction

Beatrice Lang Caplan on Shmuel Nadler's Besht-Simfonye

Goldie Morgentaler on Chava Rosenfarb's The Tree of Life


The volume features many other essays on Hebrew, American, and modern Jewish literature by leading scholars and critics of Jewish literature. For a full bibliography, visit http://www.hup.harvard.edu/



Dr. Justin Cammy

Program in Jewish Studies

Smith College

Seelye Hall 203

Northampton, MA  01063


Tel. (413) 585 3639 

Fax: (413) 585 3393



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