[Mendele] MENDELE Personal Notices and Announcements--Help with a photo taken at the Czernowitz Conference

Victor Bers victor.bers at yale.edu
Fri Feb 20 13:09:46 EST 2009

MENDELE Yiddish Language and Literature

Personal Notices and Announcements

Feb. 20, 2009

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Tayere Mendelyaner, 

Efsher kent ir mir helfn identifitsirn di mentshn in dem barimtn bild fun di bateylikte afn tshervevitser konferents. Ir kent gefinen dos bild oyb ir geyt tsu Google - Images un ir shraybt arayn "czernowitz language conference" oder oyb ir makht an "advanced search" un unter exact phrase, shraybt ir arayn "czernowitz conference."

Gevise mentshn hob ikh shoyn identifitsirt, efsher kent ir helfn mit andere:

Es zitsn fun rekhtn: Y.-L. Perets, Helena/Nekhome Perets (zayn vayb), Avrom Zinger (halt di fone), Froy Roze Birnboym, Nosn Birnboym

Es shteyen in der 2ter rey: same rekhts in dem heln garniter, Khayem Zhitlovski (ikh bin nit 100% zikher), H-D. Nomberg, er iz der 4ter in der rey, er iz der nideriker hinter un tsvishn Froy Peretz un Ziinger
(nit 100% zikher), lebn im Avrom Reyzn, same links in der rey shteyt Sholem Ash

Zayt azoy gut un lozt visn oyb ir derkent andere un tomer hob ikh nit alemen rikhtik identifitsirt. A sheynem dank. Sheva Tsuker

sheva at leagueforyiddish.org

Dear Mendelyaner,

Perhaps you can help me identfy the people in the famous bild of the participants at the Czernowitz Conference, 1908. You can find the photo if you go to Google Images and you type in "czernowitz language conference" or if you do an advanced search at images and under "exact phrase" you type in "czernowitz conference.

I've already identified some.

Sitting from right to left, Peretz, Helena Peretz (his wife), Avrom Zinger (holding the banner) Rosz Birnboym (sife of N.B,), Nosn Birnboym

Standing in the 2nd row, at the very right in the light suit Khayem Zhitlovski, (I think), H.D. NOmberg, the 4th in that row , the short guy behind and between Mrs. Peretz and Zinger (I think), right next to him Avrom Reyzn, at the veryleft  of that row Sholem Asch. 

Please let me know if you know who any of the others are or if you think that I haven't identified someone correctly. Wouldn't it be amazing if together we identified everyone in the photo! Thanks, Sheva Zucker

Please respond to sheva at leagueforyiddish.org


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