[Mendele] Mendele Vol.18.017
Victor Bers
victor.bers at yale.edu
Mon Jan 19 19:30:26 EST 2009
Mendele: Yiddish literature and language
Contents of Vol. 18.017
January 19, 2009
1) s'a lign (Dagmar Mirre)
2) Luftmensch in Max Nordau's writing (Lawrence A. Coben)
3) yolop (Francine Perlman)
4) yolop (Hershl Hartman)
5) yolop (Ilya Levin)
6) yolop (Martin Jacobs)
7) yolop (Bob Rothstein)
8) plotke (Lillian Siegfried)
9) ashlekh (Perets Mett)
Date: January 12, 2009
Subject: s'a lign
Miriam Stein hot gefregt vegn sholem aleykhems "S'a lign." S'iz faran a
reshime mit ale zayne verk oyfn adres
Dortn iz fartseykhnt, az der monolog gefint sikh oyf yidish in
Ale verk fun sholem aleykhem, Forverts oysgabe, New York, 1942, Band 3,
DALED: 155-161 un der
Folksfond oysgabe, New York, 1917-1923., Band XXI (1921): 155-161.
Oyf english in "Stories and Satires," by Sholem Aleichem (cl) New York,
London: Yoseloff, 1959 un
"Some Laughter, Some Tears," by Sholem Aleichem (cl) New York: Putnam,
Oyb ir kent dos dafke nit gefinen, fregt baym shames vegn mayn
blitspost-adres, shraybt mir, un ikh vel aykh shikn an elektrishe kopie
funem monolog oyf yidish.
Mit beste grusn,
Dagmar Mirre
Date: January 6, 2009
Subject: Luftmensch in Max Nordau's writing
Can anyone provide the citation for the original writing in which Max
Nordau first used and defined the term "Luftmensch"? Also, did he ever
write anything else on the subject?
I'll appreciate any help.
Lawrence A. Coben
Date: January 11, 2009
Subject: yolop
In Yiddish Dictionary Look-up =
yolop - noun, plural in -es, gender m, fool, oaf, idiot
Francine Perlman
Date: January 11, 2009
Subject: yolop
To reply to my friend Al Grand's query: Harkavy's Yiddish-English-Yiddish
dictionary, 22nd edition (undated, but the 11th edition was 1910), defines
"yolop" as "clumsy big fellow." His 1928 Yiddish-English-Hebrew dictionary
adds: blockhead, fool. Immediately following and referred to the "yolop"
entry is "yolopatron," which might shed some light on the etymology. I'm
sure the Mendelyaner who know about such things will inform us all.
Hershl Hartman
Date: January 11, 2009
Subject: yolop
This is a Ukrainian word meaning a stupid person, a blockhead, an idiot
Ilya Levin
Date: January 12, 2009
Subject: yolop
In reply to Al Grand, Harkavy's Yiddish-English-Hebrew dictionary has for
yolop "clumsy big fellow; blockhead, fool." According to Stanislawski's
Polish-English dictionary, jolop in Polish means a blockhead, a dolt.
Martin Jacobs
[Editor's note: a similar response was received from Vincent Homolka, who
points also to Niborksi's Yiddish-French dictionary. Stephen Berr notes
that "yold" has a similar meaning.]
Date: January 11, 2009
Subject: yolop
Harkavy glosses yolop as "clumsy big fellow; blockhead, fool." The source
is presumably Ukrainian iolop [YOlop] meaning fool, although similar terms
exist in Belarusian (δlup [YOlup] (and Russian underworld slang - elop).
Bob Rothstein
Date: January 11, 2009
Subject: plotke
I know what "plotke-makher" means - trouble maker - but would like to know
if "plotke" is Yiddish, Polish or Russian.
Many thanks,
Lillian Siegfried
Date: January 15, 2009
Subject: ashlekh
Weinreich translates scallions (spring onions) as "ashlekh." Is there any
evidence for this usage?
By what name(s) are scallions known in Yiddish?
Perets Mett
End of Mendele Vol. 18.017
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